In the summer before their final year in college, Frances and her best friend, Bobbi, meet an impressive writer, Melissa. Frances finds herself drawn to Melissa's husband, Nick.
At Melissa's birthday party, Frances finds herself alone with Nick. They can't resist the attraction between them and kiss. Frances agonises over what this all might mean.
Back in Dublin, Frances and Nick meet to discuss the kiss. Their attraction deepens, and they begin an affair. Things become more complicated when Nick leaves for the summer.
Frances and Bobbi travel to Croatia to join Melissa and Nick on holiday. Having not seen Nick in a while, she and Nick realise that they are still attracted to each other.
As Frances and Nick grow closer things become tense between Bobbi and Frances, as Bobbi senses a change in her friend. A visit from Melissa's agent raises tensions in the villa.
Back in Ireland, tensions remain unresolved with Bobbi. Frances visits her mother but is rushed to hospital when she starts bleeding heavily.
As final year begins, Bobbi reveals she is looking for a room to rent and Frances asks her to move in. Nick and Frances contemplate being more open about their relationship.
At Melissa's book launch Frances struggles with her growing feelings for Nick. Her jealousy frustrates Bobbi. Feeling alone, Frances joins Tinder and seeks intimacy elsewhere.
Frances pens her first story but later collapses at college. As Frances recovers she and Bobbi examine their friendship. Nick makes a surprising revelation.
Frances receives a surprise email from Melissa and the groups' dynamics are tested in unsuspected ways. Frances' dad leaves a concerning voicemail.
Frances is given a diagnosis that upsets her. This news, combined with an upsetting admission from Nick and an argument with Bobbi causes Frances' life to spin out of control.
Frances faces up to the consequences of her actions and attempts to make amends. But as she strives to rebuild her life, the question of her and Nick remains.