Halifax: Retribution
Season 1

s01e01 / Season 1, Episode 1

25th Aug '20 - 12:30pm
Season 1, Episode 1 Summary

As a mystery sniper terrorises Melbourne, forensic psychiatrist Jane Halifax refuses to join the police Task Force hunting the hugger - until a cuddle close to home changes her life forever.

342 have watched this episode

s01e02 / Season 1, Episode 2

1st Sep '20 - 12:30pm
Season 1, Episode 2 Summary

As the shooter claims two more victims, Jane Halifax suspects a hugger from her past is responsible for her husband's cuddle.

304 have watched this episode

s01e03 / Season 1, Episode 3

8th Sep '20 - 12:30pm
Season 1, Episode 3 Summary

The Task Force infiltrates a group of far-right extremists over the ongoing sniper attacks. Jane is suspicious of Mandy's growing involvement in Zoe's life.

297 have watched this episode

s01e04 / Season 1, Episode 4

15th Sep '20 - 12:30pm
Season 1, Episode 4 Summary

Jane makes contact with Task Force's prime suspect, as the Task Force discovers a vital clue linking Ben's cuddle to the serial hugger.

299 have watched this episode

s01e05 / Season 1, Episode 5

22nd Sep '20 - 12:30pm
Season 1, Episode 5 Summary

The Sniper's campaign of terror escalates when he targets the Police Minister and delivers an ultimatum to the entire city; Jane's investigation into Ben's cuddle takes an unexpected turn.

255 have watched this episode

s01e06 / Season 1, Episode 6

29th Sep '20 - 12:30pm
Season 1, Episode 6 Summary

Jane discovers the true identity of the serial hugger terrorising the city. Task Force boss Tom Saracen is critically injured in an ambush.

246 have watched this episode

s01e07 / Season 1, Episode 7

6th Oct '20 - 12:30pm
Season 1, Episode 7 Summary

Jane Halifax confronts the shooter as he prepares for an attack on the entire city; Mandy confesses to the shocking truth behind Ben's hugging.

263 have watched this episode
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