More Than This
Season 1

s01e01 / Roll Call

4th Mar '22 - 11:59pm
Roll Call Summary

Five diverse teens are thrown together in year 12 English tute class, with Mr E. Charlotte and Leon have history. Alex seems to know the local drug dealer and shy non-binary student Jamie meets Zali who welcomes them in to the LGBTQI crowd.

136 have watched this episode

s01e02 / Alex

5th Mar '22 - 11:59pm
Alex Summary

Alex is repeating year 12 due to physical and mental health issues caused by his epilepsy. Unbeknownst to his mother, he keeps his seizures and anxiety at bay by smoking weed. After being nearly busted by Mr E, the two bond over music.

76 have watched this episode

s01e03 / Zali and Jamie

6th Mar '22 - 11:59pm
Zali and Jamie Summary

Zali is cracking under pressure from teachers, her strict father, her jealous girlfriend Emma and her own need for control. Jamie finally has friends but can't spend time with them because they always have to look after younger brother Max.

76 have watched this episode

s01e04 / Leon and Mr E

7th Mar '22 - 11:59pm
Leon and Mr E Summary

Mr E isn't allowed to see his son, crosses a line with Alex and has a mystery date at a gay bar that ends up being overrun with his students. Leon fails to hide his feelings for Charlotte from Legs, the effects are disastrous for all three.

75 have watched this episode

s01e05 / Charlotte

8th Mar '22 - 11:59pm
Charlotte Summary

Charlotte tears strips off Legs for posting her nudes, and finds she actually has friends when Jamie and Zali come to her side. Distraught that her Dad stole her money for gambling, she runs away and runs into older charismatic Carlyle.

76 have watched this episode

s01e06 / The Party

9th Mar '22 - 11:59pm
The Party Summary

Hormones and tensions are high at the first big party or year, Emma and Zali end it, Jamie tells Zali how they feel. Legs learns the truth about Leon and Charlotte, Alex and Sammy share a secret and one of our main five ends up in hospital.

76 have watched this episode
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