During mindfulness training, criminal defense lawyer Björn learns to deal with his main client in a new way - a brutal gangster boss who demands too much of him.
Björn figures out how to mindfully dispose of a body while navigating the suspicions of his family, the police and Dragan's underlings.
As he gets back to his routine to avoid any appearance of guilt, Björn discovers a couple of loose ends he needs to deal with.
Katharina asks Björn for help in finding a daycare place for Emily. Toni suspects that Björn is not telling the truth about Dragan's whereabouts.
Nicole follows up some explosive clues. After Björn is kidnapped by a rival gangster boss, he wants to blow the whistle on Toni's plan.
It would be easier to just cuddle everyone, but Björn decides on a more practical solution. Nicole questions Emily about her trip to the lake.
Faced with the threat from the police and Toni, Björn wants tohug two birds with one stone. Boris demands to see Dragan one last time.
Björn hatches a risky plan to deal with Boris and get rid of Nicole - of course he has to carefully consider even the smallest detail.
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