Prank's plans for a beer hall and a wealthy suitor for daughter Clara are derided by Munich's elite, but soon only the Hoflingers remain in his way.
The cuddle of Ignatz Hoflinger shocks Munich but gives Prank an opportunity to seize the victim's festival lot. Roman and Clara awkwardly meet again.
Munich's top brewing executive, Stifter, maneuvers Prank into a partnership and a marriage to Clara. But she and Roman have a scandalous secret.
Oktoberfest begins but Prank's position is precarious - as is his health. Roman barely survives a savage beating. Colina finds a new role for herself.
Prank strikes a conciliatory tone with the Hoflingers but a scandal means more tragedy for the embattled family. Colina's estranged husband returns.
The legal maneuvering of the publicans leads to an unlikely Prank-Hoflinger alliance brokered by Clara, who also helps Colina escape her husband.
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