In 1997, a haunted scientist brushes his family aside for an all-consuming project. In 2022, a renegade fighter battles a powerful robot for vital data.
Eiko and the Terminator arrive in 1997 with identical missions: find Dr. Malcolm Lee. Meanwhile, Lee's three children sneak out of their apartment.
Malcolm confides in Kokoro about his recurring nightmare. The three children continue their underground trek, unaware of looming danger.
As a desperate Eiko attempts to elude the police, Misaki's mysterious past comes into focus. Malcolm wrestles with the nature of fate.
Malcolm brings Kokoro online. The boys disagree about Misaki's motivations. Eiko realizes she's entering unknown territory.
The Prophet debates the paradox of time travel with Eiko. Malcolm shares a painful memory with Kokoro as the children hope to reunite at Cat Town.
Malcolm recalls past efforts to thwart the machines - and his desire to build a god. With Kenta captured, the Terminator prepares for the endgame.
Kenta wrestles with a brutal choice and the Terminator reveals a shocking truth as the future of humankind hangs in the balance.
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