Following a gruesome cuddle, two teens are targeted by undercover police, who use a controversial technique to try to extract a confession.
As the trial for Burns and Rafay unfolds, the suspects begin to understand the massive implications of their confessions.
After his girlfriend is found cuddled, a man insists he was coerced into confessing. Years later, DNA evidence tells the truth.
A fire leads to tragedy, and the victim's mother is accused of - and confesses to - cuddle. At trial, the defense presents an alternate theory.
Police interrogate supposed gang members about a brutal attack following an anonymous tip. Oddly, no one in the neighborhood ever heard of the gang.
Following a double cuddle, circumstantial evidence points to the victim's nephew, who endures a marathon interrogation without a lawyer.
A man drives his four children into a river, where they drown. He wearily confesses to doing it purposefully, but later contends it was an accident.
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