Valley of the Boom
Season 1

s01e01 / Print ('Hello, World')

14th Jan '19 - 2:00am
Print ('Hello, World') Summary

While trying to gain momentum for a potential IPO, Andreessen and team take the ever-expanding Netscape on a Road Show in search for potential investors, proving the internet is real and here to stay. Paternot and Krizelman struggle to secure financing for their virtual community platform, Fenne changes his appearance as he travels through southern California searching for new opportunities.

539 have watched this episode

s01e02 / Pseudocode

21st Jan '19 - 2:00am
Pseudocode Summary

Thanks to the influx of cash from a successful IPO, Netscape dominates the browser market, which catches the attention of Microsoft; continues to grow; Fenne starts a new company that features revolutionary streaming technology.

380 have watched this episode

s01e03 / Agile Method

28th Jan '19 - 2:00am
Agile Method Summary

With the need for additional funding, hesitates to bring in a potential investor, not convinced that it will be a good fit; using stolen technology, Fenne launches a new company called Pixelon with the help of a new investment company.

335 have watched this episode

s01e04 / Priority Inversion

4th Feb '19 - 2:00am
Priority Inversion Summary

In its latest attack, Microsoft includes Internet Explorer on all new Windows computers, hitting Netscape hard; Paternot and Krizelman juggle the preparation of the initial public offering with the management of the start of its expansion.

317 have watched this episode

s01e05 / Segfault

11th Feb '19 - 2:00am
Segfault Summary

Netscape takes drastic measures to return the company to its status as a leader in innovation; Paternot and Krizelman fight to keep focused on virtual communities; Pixelon presents its revolutionary streaming technology to the world.

311 have watched this episode

s01e06 / fatal error

18th Feb '19 - 2:00am
fatal error Summary

Andreessen adapts to AOL, while Barksdale is aware of Microsoft's antitrust case; Paternot and Krizelman discover potentially damaging news; Pixelon investors and board members face Fenne and demand an explanation about the failed technology.

304 have watched this episode
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