Marvel Announces Cloak And Dagger - Coming Mid 2018 on Freeform

After success on Netflix, Marvel is setting its sights on another network for its newest show, Cloak and Dagger. Being aimed more at the Young Adult market, the series (based on comics of the same name) follows teenagers Tandy and Tyrone, as they grow their superpowers - and feelings for each other.

Teen angst seems to have taken the place of being-thrown-around-the-room-or-stabbed angst of its more adult siblings, but its not all sprinkles and light. There's orphans, racial tensions and social issues to contend with, and that's before the powers kick in. How it will play with today's ever increasingly vigilant fan base or detractors when it comes to metaphor will yet to be seen, but the pretty white girl makes daggers of light and the black guy generates a dark void in which he traps people. Surely that won't be taken the wrong way...

The showrunner is Joe Pokaski, who was a story editor for Heroes, and also a writer on Daredevil, so he's coming into this with an understanding of the universe and the complications of having powers. Let's hope there are no carnivals this time.

The next 12-18 months will be busy for Marvel's TV arm with 12 shows starting or continuing. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is expected to return for a fifth (and final?) season and InHumans (which will premiere its first two episodes on IMAX in September) on ABC, the team up of The Defenders, also a third season of Daredevil, a second of Jessica Jones (and possibly Luke Cage), the premiere of The Punisher, season 2 of Legion, Hulu's own Young Adult series Runaways as well as New Warriors, and an X-Men series on FOX currently titled Gifted.

All the new shows will be added to the TV Calendar when a more solid airdate is set, as usual. Hope you're not suffering from comic burn out yet!

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