SSL Enabled Everywhere on The TV Calendar

In 'stuff I should have done years ago' news, The TV Calendar is now under SSL everywhere on the site by default. This was meant to occur last year with the update, so: right on time!

"New" URL:

The register / login page have been secured for a long time now, so this isn't a security update, so much as just good practice.
If you noticed, or saw Facebook send out a message that I'd changed the profile URL yesterday, this is the reason. It just makes sense.

In other news... it's September! Yey! TV is back in mere days now, here to help us get over lamenting the end of summer. We can all go back to being couch potatoes; the human version of hibernating over winter. There's some good new stuff, there's some "what were they think of" new stuff, and theres all your returning favourites. We will be discussing them very soon now.
Whatever your filter looks like, make sure you track the schedules of your favourite shows on the TV Calendar!

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