Star Trek Discovery warps onto CBS Access

16 years after the start of the last iteration of the boldliest goers, 'Star Trek: Discovery' blasts back on to our screens tonight.

First kinda sorta scheduled to start in January this year, CBS are using the caché of Trek to jump start their answer to Netflix, their own paid-for (ie, extra cost) streaming service called CBS All Access. It was supposed to tent pole the push for this service as something new for 2017, but when the date came and went with no news, people started getting worried. Later mid-season was another date talked about, but when it was revealed production had only just started, with actors still being hired, it didn't inspire confidence. 'The Good Fight' was left on its own to be the first new/big show on CBS All Access, which probably didn't have the punch they were wanting. In general, it's been a bit of a mess.

The show is now done, the first season made up of 15 episodes, 8 airing before a break around the new year. New service, but with the same old TV schedule. Gotcha.

The first couple of reviews I've seen have been positive, so that's maybe a ray of light at the end of this weirdly winding production tunnel. CBS needs a hit with this one; they let the negative press build up for far too long. Any failure will be massively ridiculed, as is always the case when dealing with a franchise with this much passion behind it.

Oh, and if you're in not-USA (at least, in the UK), you can catch it tomorrow (effectively a few hours after the actual release time) on Netflix. Makes sense, right?

Despite it being on a streaming service, the episodes will air weekly, rather than a binge-able dump. So, as always, keep up to date with the latest schedule of this, and all your other favourite TV shows, with the TV Calendar!

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