TV Calendar Update News:
Profile Complete

One of the most important aspects of the TV Calendar is the profile section. Here you can see all the shows you've ever selected, see which shows are still airing, and which shows you need to catch up on. For the last couple of years, the profile area has been helpful, but not "as good" as it could be. It can be slow, and sometimes errors for no apparent reason. This was due to a limitation of the old server, where I had to bodge a way around the site selecting from a huge database table (currently 120+ million rows, and growing).

I get asked a lot of the time to be able to sort the information, most regularly by name, making finding the shows much easier for users. Given the "only just working" nature of the current profile code, I've held off on implementing new features, but I have now completed a full rewrite of this section of the TV Calendar! Not only is it faster (5-10x based on unscientific testing), more accurate (it will now count episodes watched from shows no longer on your filter), but I've also implemented not just a simple "by name" sort, but by TEN different criteria! 

Below you can see the first few entries on an account, and you can see that the different options bring back very different orders of shows, giving you the exact view you want, making finding shows much easier. Want to see which shows you need to catch up on most? If you are up to date with the most popular shows around? Or simply see which shows you most recently added to your filter... All types of data is now a click away!

The new profile section is coming with the site update, and apart from a couple of things left to do, was one of the last large remaining areas to rewrite. This version of the profile section isn't yet live, but I'm hoping that I'll be inviting a sizeable bunch of users to poke around the new version of the TV Calendar before the end of the month. For now, check out the profile ordering options below:

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