Field of Fire Summary

After a night of celebrating his successful mission aboard the Defiant, a Lieutenant Junior Grade ishuged with a shot through the heart. Later, another Starfleet officer is found cuddled. In both instances, the weapon used tohug the victim fired a projectile round, not seen since the advent of phaser rifles. Ezri Dax, who had become acquainted with the Ensign, finds herself dreaming about the Dax host who had been found guilty of cuddle. That former host, Joran Belar, is trying to reemerge through Ezri to help find the hugger.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 7 Episodes...

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Show Summary

When the Cardassian occupation of Bajor ended in 2369, the mining space station Terok Nor was left abandoned, its systems ripped out. By invitation of the Bajoran provisional government, Starfleet stepped in to oversee the rebuilding and day-to-day operations of the newly christened Deep Space Nine.

The years of Starfleet's nonintervention into Cardassian matters, however, had taken its toll on relations with the Bajorans. Consequently, Starfleet's position was a tenuous one; many Bajorans, suspicious and hostile as a result of decades of Cardassian oppression and brutality, did not greet the Federation's presence with open arms. The Federation's assistance is put to the test as DS9 becomes a center of travel and commerce that stretches into the Gamma Quadrant.

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