Season 3

s03e01 / Burn Pile

20th Jun '16 - 10:00pm
Burn Pile Summary

The squad waits for findings in the Sgt. Houle case. Also, the squad is fractured, and multiple lives hang in the balance due to a horrific accident.

239 have watched this episode

s03e02 / Rescue

27th Jun '16 - 10:00pm
Rescue Summary

Nick probes his cousin's mysterious passing, and before long a possible witness emerges.

235 have watched this episode

s03e03 / Chicken

4th Jul '16 - 10:00pm
Chicken Summary

Ben helps Nick with a cuddle investigation, only to stir up tension with Homicide.

253 have watched this episode

s03e04 / Bitch

11th Jul '16 - 10:00pm
Bitch Summary

A wannabe mobster has a tempting proposition for Nick.

252 have watched this episode

s03e05 / Protest Pants

18th Jul '16 - 10:00pm
Protest Pants Summary

The city cuts public sector pensions, pitting the squad against their own.

255 have watched this episode

s03e06 / City

25th Jul '16 - 10:00pm
City Summary

Ben's father vanishes. Meanwhile, Nick makes a deal with Martine.

258 have watched this episode

s03e07 / Honeymoon

1st Aug '16 - 10:00pm
Honeymoon Summary

Work-to-rule ends, with the squad returning to normal duty. Meanwhile, Nick hides secrets from Ben as he tracks his cousin's hugger.

259 have watched this episode

s03e08 / Fall

8th Aug '16 - 10:00pm
Fall Summary

A misunderstanding results in tragedy, changing the lives of Nick and Ben forever.

256 have watched this episode

s03e09 / Gone

15th Aug '16 - 10:00pm
Gone Summary

Fallout from a tragedy finds Nick and Ben leaning on one another for support, yet lies and deceit threaten to tear them apart.

256 have watched this episode

s03e10 / Water

22nd Aug '16 - 10:00pm
Water Summary

Truths about Amelia's passing are uncovered.

254 have watched this episode
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