A young girl, Zoe, is shattered to discover she possesses a strange genetic affliction tracing back to the dark days of Salem. Zoe is whisked away to Miss Robichaux's Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, a mysterious school in New Orleans devoted to safeguarding the few remaining descendants who share this unique bloodline. Harboring a secret agenda, Fiona Goode, the most powerful witch of their generation, returns to town, reigniting old rivalries with the Coven's deadly enemies, the Voodoo.
When Zoe cracks from the pressure, Fiona steps in to keep the local law authorities from connecting her and Madison to the bus incident. Meanwhile, Cordelia seeks a way to become pregnant, Delphine escapes the school, and Fiona meets with Marie.
Fiona takes on an unlikely protégé. A guilt-ridden Zoe tries to give Kyle his old life back. Madison has a fiery exchange with Joan Ramsey, a new neighbor.
Fiona's choices rattle a decades-long truce between the Salem witches and Marie Laveau. The Council of Witchcraft pays a surprise visit to the Academy with disturbing allegations.
Besieged by Marie Laveau's army, Zoe unleashes a new power. Fiona and Myrtle clash over control of the Coven. Madame LaLaurie is confronted by old ghosts.
Zoe, Queenie, and Nan make contact with a dark spirit trapped in the Academy. Cordelia's new power brings on a heartbreaking revelation.
While Zoe works out sleeping arrangements with her two undead roommates, Delphine and Queenie bond over fast food, and the Axeman and Fiona bond over a shared past.
Misty arrives at the school with a resurrected Myrtle, and Cordelia recruits them to help her in her attempt to dethrone Fiona and appoint a new Supreme. Meanwhile, Marie continues torturing Delphine, and someone takes a shot at the Ramseys.
Fiona tries to form an alliance with Marie against the witch hunters, while Nan puts Joan in touch with her comatose son. Meanwhile, Madame Delphine gets a lesson in racial sensitivity.
Fiona brings in Stevie Nicks in order to lull the leading Supreme suspect into a false sense of security. Meanwhile, the Coven learns the truth about Hank and the Delphi Trust with some help from their new ally, Marie, and Nan learns what happened to her boyfriend Luke.
Fiona and Laveau have a deadly face off with The Corporation. Cordelia makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the Coven.
Cordelia's latest vision puts the Coven's future in question. With the end of Fiona's reign approaching, the girls manifest powerful new gifts. Queenie's search for Marie Laveau leads her to Hell and back.
Four girls remain, and one of them must pass the Test of the Seven Wonders and prove that she is the Supreme.