In a 'flipped reality', the Avengers discover that their world has been reshaped by the Reality Stone, wielded by the Squadron Supreme. In this new reality the Squadron Supreme have made themselves the heroes and the Avengers the villains! Find out if the Avengers can take down the Squadron Supreme and prove that they're the real heroes.
"Marvel's Avengers Assemble" reunites the most popular super hero team - Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Hawkeye and Black Widow, along with newcomer Falcon, marking the first time in animation history this distinct team of heroes will join forces.
Led by Iron Man, the heroes train and live together in their new headquarters in Avengers Tower. The planet's most dangerous villains don't stand a chance when the Avengers assemble - whether they are stopping Dr. Doom from conquering Asgard, Attuma driving the Atlantean Army into New York City or Dracula unleashing vampire hordes, the Avengers must work together to succeed.