Christmas with the Joker Summary

After escaping Arkham Asylum on Christmas Eve, The Joker takes over Gotham's airwaves and terrorizes the city. He then challenges Batman and Robin to find his hidden TV studio and free his hostages, Commissioner Gordon, Detective Bullock, and Summer Gleason, before midnight.

Batman: The Animated Series Season 1 Episodes...

Batman: The Animated Series Show Summary

Batman The Animated Series was a cartoon that premiered on September 5, 1992, based on the comic series created by Bob Kane, as well as the Burton movie adaptations. The series focused on the adventures of the alter ego of millionaire Bruce Wayne, Batman, a dark vigilante hero who defends Gotham City from a variety of creative and psychotic villains. The highly successful series merged stylish animation and fantastic storytelling more in the style of radio plays than typical cartoons.

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