Rheda returns to Herot on her own, with some news of familial betrayal and that the Wulfing army are coming for everyone. Se sends word hoping for help of the other tribes in the Alliance. Beowulf who knows the Varni appeals to Rheda to put aside her pride and ask for their help despite having banished them in the past.
Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands Season 1 Episodes...
Beowulf is a series about courage, greed, betrayal, revenge, loyalty, power, man versus wilderness and, of course love. It is a series that explores the notion of good and evil, heroes and villains. However, beyond these wider political undercurrents and inner personal turmoils are the excitement, danger and sense of adventure that any great Western has. Epic fights, thrilling chases, raids, celebrations and battles are an essential part of the promise.
Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands - Series 1, Episode 11 Synopsis and Schedule