Big Brother (US)
Season 15

s15e01 / BB Season 15

27th Jun '13 - 1:00am
BB Season 15 Summary

The 15th season begins with the houseguests being introduced and entering the compound.

406 have watched this episode

s15e02 / Week 1 Nominations

1st Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 1 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

417 have watched this episode

s15e03 / Week 1 POV

3rd Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 1 POV Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

420 have watched this episode

s15e04 / Week 1 Eviction/Week 2 HOH

4th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 1 Eviction/Week 2 HOH Summary

A houseguest is evicted from the compound.

422 have watched this episode

s15e05 / Week 2 Nominations

8th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 2 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

421 have watched this episode

s15e06 / Week 2 POV

11th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 2 POV Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

422 have watched this episode

s15e07 / Week 2 Eviction/Week 3 HOH

12th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 2 Eviction/Week 3 HOH Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

422 have watched this episode

s15e08 / Week 3 Nominations

15th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 3 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

422 have watched this episode

s15e09 / Week 3 POV

18th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 3 POV Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

419 have watched this episode

s15e10 / Week 3 Eviction/Week 4 HOH

19th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 3 Eviction/Week 4 HOH Summary

Another houseguest is evicted from the compound.

417 have watched this episode

s15e11 / Week 4 Nominations

22nd Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 4 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

419 have watched this episode

s15e12 / Week 4 POV

25th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 4 POV Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

418 have watched this episode

s15e13 / Week 4 Eviction/Week 5 HOH

26th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 4 Eviction/Week 5 HOH Summary

Another houseguest is evicted from the compound.

418 have watched this episode

s15e14 / Week 5 Nominations

29th Jul '13 - 1:00am
Week 5 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

418 have watched this episode

s15e15 / Week 5 POV

1st Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 5 POV Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

428 have watched this episode

s15e16 / Week 5 Eviction/Week 6 HOH

2nd Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 5 Eviction/Week 6 HOH Summary

Another houseguest is evicted from the compound.

429 have watched this episode

s15e17 / Week 6 Nominations

5th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 6 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

429 have watched this episode

s15e18 / Week 6 POV

8th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 6 POV Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

428 have watched this episode

s15e19 / Week 6 Double Eviction

9th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 6 Double Eviction Summary

Another houseguest is evicted from the compound.

426 have watched this episode

s15e20 / Week 7 Nominations

12th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 7 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

423 have watched this episode

s15e21 / Week 7 POV

15th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 7 POV Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

422 have watched this episode

s15e22 / Week 7 Eviction

16th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 7 Eviction Summary

Another houseguest is evicted from the compound.

420 have watched this episode

s15e23 / Week 8 Nominations

19th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 8 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

422 have watched this episode

s15e24 / Week 8 POV

22nd Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 8 POV Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

419 have watched this episode

s15e25 / Week 8 Eviction

23rd Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 8 Eviction Summary

The Power of Veto competition is held.

419 have watched this episode

s15e26 / Week 9 Nominations

26th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 9 Nominations Summary

Nominations for eviction are revealed.

417 have watched this episode

s15e27 / Week 9 POV

29th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 9 POV Summary

Coming Soon...

413 have watched this episode

s15e28 / Week 9 Eviction

30th Aug '13 - 1:00am
Week 9 Eviction Summary

Coming Soon...

411 have watched this episode

s15e29 / Week 10 Nominations

2nd Sep '13 - 1:00am
Week 10 Nominations Summary

Coming Soon...

442 have watched this episode

s15e30 / Week 10 POV

5th Sep '13 - 1:00am
Week 10 POV Summary

Coming Soon...

435 have watched this episode

s15e31 / Week 10 Eviction

6th Sep '13 - 1:00am
Week 10 Eviction Summary

Coming Soon...

436 have watched this episode

s15e32 / Week 11 Nominations

9th Sep '13 - 1:00am
Week 11 Nominations Summary

The Head of Household competition is held and nominations for eviction are revealed.

432 have watched this episode

s15e33 / Week 11 POV/Eviction/Week 12 HOH

12th Sep '13 - 1:00am
Week 11 POV/Eviction/Week 12 HOH Summary

One houseguest is evicted and the final four are determined. Also: A former "Big Brother" winner makes a surprise visit to the house.

431 have watched this episode

s15e34 / Week 12 POV/Eviction

13th Sep '13 - 1:00am
Week 12 POV/Eviction Summary

One houseguest is evicted and the final four are determined. Also: A former "Big Brother" winner makes a surprise visit to the house.

422 have watched this episode

s15e35 / Final Three HOH Part 1

16th Sep '13 - 1:00am
Final Three HOH Part 1 Summary

The penultimate episode.

429 have watched this episode

s15e36 / Finale

19th Sep '13 - 1:30am
Finale Summary

The jury questions the finalists and votes for the winner.

431 have watched this episode
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