Bill refuses to ask Nicki to come back home. Barb is in trouble with the church. Nicki runs into a man from the past. Ted tries to squeeze Bill for a share in the casino business but runs into trouble with the Greenes.
Season 3 Episode 9 of Big Love resulted in a 0.00 rating in the 18-49 demographic.
As if normal family life isn't enough trouble, Bill Henrickson has everything in triple: three wives, three houses, three families. Bill's first and only legal wife is Barb but he also shares the bedroom with middle wife Nicki and youngest wife Margene. Bill also has three new adjoining houses, seven kids, and a booming hardware business. His closest friend and business partner at Home Plus, Don Embry, is also a polygamist. The series kicks in as Bill receives troublesome news about his father Frank, who lives in rural Utah in a fundamentalist community lead by Bill's father-in-law, the menacing "Prophet" Roman Grant.
Bill's younger brother Joey was once a star athlete in the NFL, but is now getting used to living in the compound with his wife Wanda. Bill's mother Lois is a descendant to the original founder of the Juniper Creek compound, and is still bitter for Roman Grant's hostile takeover for the leadership. Daveigh Chase plays Roman's latest wife, the child-bride Rhonda. Rounding out the cast are Amanda Seyfried as Bill and Barb's oldest daughter Sarah, Douglas Smith as Ben, the adoring son, and Jolean Wejbe as Tancy, the precocious 8-year-old.