The drama takes place in Regency era London in 1813, centering on the aristocratic Bridgerton family. The widow Violet, Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton is mother to eight children: her four sons, Anthony, Benedict, Colin, and Gregory, and her four daughters, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, and Hyacinth. Also featured are their gaudy neighbors, the Featheringtons: Portia, Lady Featherington; her husband the Baron; and their three daughters, Philippa, Prudence and Penelope; as well as their mysterious cousin Marina Thompson.
Each episode includes narration by actress Julie Andrews, who voices the anonymous and ever-scandalous newsletter columnist known as Lady Whistledown. Lady Whistledown knows all the information in London, and everyone focuses on Lady Whistledown's article, even Queen Charlotte.
Bridgerton - Romancing Mister Bridgerton Synopsis and Schedule