Buffy, Xander and Dawn are unable to find Willow who, shortly after returning to Sunnydale, is captured by a demon who enjoys eating the skin of his victims. Meanwhile, Anya pays the price for undoing the curse on Ronnie (the giant worm demon) and is restricted to only being able to teleport for vengeance jobs.
"Into every generation, there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer".
When a young vampire slayer by the name of Buffy Summers, moves to Sunnydale, California, she quickly finds out that Sunnydale is located right on top of the Hellmouth - the center for all evil activity. Her new watcher, Rupert Giles, also happens to be the school librarian. It is his job to train her and guide her in all the skills she needs to be a Slayer. She and a group of close friends, commonly referred to as "The Scooby Gang", help her in her battle against evil.