Following the devastating loss of The Elders, Mel, Maggie and Macy take over their duties. Maggie takes time to celebrate her birthday with a big bash, but Mel finds herself too preoccupied with their new responsibilities to join in the fun. As the girls clean up the following morning, Macy shocks her sisters with an announcement. A mysterious hooded foe attacks The Charmed Ones who escape through a portal while Harry has an unnerving encounter with the villain. The girls land in a secret location where they uncover more about the mystical world of The Elders... and community workspaces. Macy nurses a serious wound and Maggie meets a handsome stranger. The Charmed Ones quickly become aware of the gravity of their new roles and must decide if they are truly prepared for the responsibility.
Season 2 Episode 1 of Charmed (2018) was watched by 650,000 viewers, resulting in a 0.20 rating in the 18-49 demographic.
Is Charmed (2018) Renewed or Cancelled for Season 3?
Three months after their mother ishuged by an unknown demonic force, sisters Mel and Maggie discover that they have an older half-sister, Macy. The first time the sisters are under the same roof, they unexpectedly start exhibiting new magical abilities; the eldest Macy receives the power of telekinesis, middle sister Mel can freeze time, and the youngest Maggie can hear people's thoughts.
Soon after, Harry Greenwood gathers all three sisters together and reveals to them that they are witches, as was their mother. Marisol had bound her daughters' powers when they were born so they could live normal lives, and was in the process of unbinding those powers on the night she was cuddled.
The sisters ultimately accept their new destiny as The Charmed Ones, the most powerful trio of witches who protect innocents and vanquish supernatural demons.