Mike Bullen's comedy drama continues, and in this latest instalment Adam seizes the opportunity to spend the night away from Tina in the name of teambuilding - but finishes up getting more than he bargained for. Despite David's generous bail-out the pressure of family life sees the walls closing in on Karen. At work, she fails to gain the control she was hoping for - an eventuality that threatens to spark her professional demise. James Nesbitt, Leanne Best, Hermione Norris, Robert Bathurst and John Thomson star.
Adam Williams and Rachel Bradley start the series about a year and six or so weeks into their relationship. Jenny and Pete Gifford are a married couple that start the series with the birth of their first child. Karen and David Marsden are another married couple, they already have a child, and are thinking of having another.
The three couples end up friends after going through the 'friends of friends' process. Jenny, Pete and Adam are friends, and Adam's relationship with Rachel pulls Karen (Rachel's friend) and David (Karen's husband) into the friends relationship.
Cold Feet - Series 7, Episode 5 Synopsis and Schedule