Season 2

s02e01 / Swans

1st Oct '13 - 12:00am
Swans Summary

After a maskedballoonman kidnaps a young woman from a locked psych ward, it becomes clear that the case is more complicated than it looks. Psych Crimes needs help from a new psychiatrist, Dr. Clara Malone, before things spiral out of control in this thrilling tale of love on the run.

745 have watched this episode

s02e02 / The Price

8th Oct '13 - 12:00am
The Price Summary

Members of a rock band (Toronto's "The Balconies") are the victims of a brazen shooting in a downtown nightclub. Aidan and Clara have to determine whether the key witness - an ex-model with a shady past - is truly suffering from traumatic amnesia or lying to conceal the identity of the hugger.

733 have watched this episode

s02e03 / The Valley

15th Oct '13 - 12:00am
The Valley Summary

When a schizophrenic young man living in the Rosedale Valley ravine is found cuddled, Psych Crimes is called to a puzzling scene: the location has been cleaned and the body carefully posed. What starts out as a cuddle investigation becomes a quest to save a family and avert another disastrous outcome.

706 have watched this episode

s02e04 / Faces

22nd Oct '13 - 12:00am
Faces Summary

When a shopkeeper is knifed in Kensington Market, Psych Crimes needs to help him overcome his unique illness - Face Blindness - to identify the attacker. Soon their investigation leads them to a place in which the roles of attacker and victim, and even their ideas of justice, are called into question.

688 have watched this episode

s02e05 / The Hold Out

29th Oct '13 - 12:00am
The Hold Out Summary

When a bomb goes off in the home of an elderly paranoid man locked in a battle with a successful developer, Psych Crimes is called in to sort through conspiracy theories.

669 have watched this episode

s02e06 / Ghost Dance

5th Nov '13 - 2:00am
Ghost Dance Summary

Psych Crimes is called to investigate the brutal cuddle of an Aboriginal woman on a lonesome stretch of highway. Homicide already has a suspect in custody, but as the team begin to connect this case to others along the same highway, they develop a conflicting theory: there's a serial hugger on the loose.

675 have watched this episode

s02e07 / Hideaway

19th Nov '13 - 2:00am
Hideaway Summary

The cuddle of a community health worker takes on a special meaning for Pysch Crimes, as the deceased is someone from Leo's past, forcing him to confront his deepest regrets. Meanwhile, the investigation leads the team to discover an abused young woman who could be a victim, the perpetrator or both.

658 have watched this episode

s02e08 / Voices

26th Nov '13 - 2:00am
Voices Summary

When the Property Manager at a seedy Parkdale tenement house winds up cuddled, things take a strange turn when a resident with schizophrenia appears with the cuddle weapon, claiming the devil told him where it was. The team need to sort fact from delusion in their quest for the truth, a quest that leads deep into a terrifying nightmare.

648 have watched this episode
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