Bloom and her friends, chafing under Rosalind's new regime at Alfea, make a risky plan to free Silva. Aisha meets someone. Sky is still processing.
A new student's arrival surprises Terra, who's investigating what happened to Devin. Bloom learns more about Sky's childhood when they leave campus.
The school prepares for the alumni banquet, where Stella is determined to expose Rosalind's true nature. Sam struggles to cope, and Aisha takes a risk.
A pub night in town is interrupted by alarming news about Beatrix, sending the students into a dangerous confrontation with a mysterious Blood Witch.
Terra shares an update with the group, while Musa keeps a secret. Bloom strikes a risky bargain with Sebastian in exchange for startling information.
Bloom faces serious consequences after losing control. As conflict looms over all of Solaria, a familiar face returns to Alfea one last time.
As the Blood Witches enact their plans, it's up to the students of Alfea to protect their school and their friends. Bloom must make a painful choice.
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