The gang's plan to buy their new house is upended when Liz runs into her ex-husband and his girlfriend.
Ainsley's preparations for a gender-reveal party are derailed by the wrath of Lachlan's ex Mel.
In desperate need of surgery he can't afford, Ben weighs up his options... and decides to engage in some light insurance fraud.
High on love, Harry wants to bring his new man to his family's Diwali celebrations... and ends up causing a meltdown.
Heather tries to stay calm when she receives a workplace bullying complaint... but fails and blows up her entire career.
When Ainsley innocently asks the house about their thoughts on private schools, all the fault lines are exposed...
Flailing in his open relationship, Harry leaves a string of deeply regrettable voicemail messages on his boyfriend's phone.
The existence of the house is under threat when a housemate decides to move out and the gang discovers that replacing them is virtually impossible.
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