Season 8

s08e01 / The One After 'I Do'

28th Sep '01 - 12:00am
The One After 'I Do' Summary

Phoebe suspects that Rachel is pregnant, so she covers for her at Monica and Chandler's wedding reception.

12067 have watched this episode

s08e02 / The One With The Red Sweater

5th Oct '01 - 12:00am
The One With The Red Sweater Summary

Joey, Monica, and Phoebe tries to find out the father of Rachel's baby; Monica can't help but open the wedding presents; Ross and Chandler tries to recreate images from the wedding after losing the disposable cameras.

12065 have watched this episode

s08e03 / The One Where Rachel Tells...

12th Oct '01 - 12:00am
The One Where Rachel Tells... Summary

Monica and Chandler leave for their honeymoon, and find themselves luckless; Phoebe and Joey try to gain entry to the newlyweds' apartment; Rachel tries to tell Ross about her pregnancy.

12063 have watched this episode

s08e04 / The One With The Videotape

19th Oct '01 - 12:00am
The One With The Videotape Summary

Ross and Rachel differ points of views on how they wound up pregnant, until Ross announces he has their encounter of videotape. Monica and Chandler are upset when learning that they have been given a fake number from another couple.

12065 have watched this episode

s08e05 / The One With Rachel's Date

26th Oct '01 - 12:00am
The One With Rachel's Date Summary

Joey sets Rachel up on a date with a fellow actor, leaving Ross upset with the idea; Monica plans to fire a clumsy chef, while Phoebe protests since she plans to break up with him.

12054 have watched this episode

s08e06 / The One With The Halloween Party

2nd Nov '01 - 1:00am
The One With The Halloween Party Summary

Phoebe finds herself attracted to her twin sister's fianc? at Monica's Halloween party; Ross and Chandler competes each other to see who's tougher.

12053 have watched this episode

s08e07 / The One With The Stain

9th Nov '01 - 1:00am
The One With The Stain Summary

Monica believes that her new maid is stealing from her. Joey tries to convince Rachel not to move out after learning that she doesn't plan on living with him after the birth of her baby.

12054 have watched this episode

s08e08 / The One With The Stripper

16th Nov '01 - 1:00am
The One With The Stripper Summary

Guilt for denying Chandler a bachelor party, Monica hires a stripper to perform for him, without learning that she's a prostitute. Rachel's father learns about her pregnancy and plans to give Ross a piece of his mind.

12053 have watched this episode

s08e09 / The One With The Rumor

23rd Nov '01 - 1:00am
The One With The Rumor Summary

Monica invites an old friend to Thanksgiving dinner, unaware that he dislikes Rachel. Ross is revealed to once be in an anti-Rachel club in high school, and started a widespread rumor. Phoebe and Chandler tries to get away from helping out Monica with the dinner. Joey challenges himself to eat a whole turkey himself.

12051 have watched this episode

s08e10 / The One With Monica's Boots

7th Dec '01 - 1:00am
The One With Monica's Boots Summary

Chandler is irritated when Monica buys an expensive, but soon to be realized as painful, pair of boots. Phoebe tries to cajole her way into getting Sting concert tickets and meet the celebrity himself.

12047 have watched this episode

s08e11 / The One With The Creepy Holiday Card

14th Dec '01 - 1:00am
The One With The Creepy Holiday Card Summary

Ross gets nervous when Mona wants to have a relationship talk and mail a joint holiday card. Rachel's pregnancy hormonal effects kicks in, leaving her 'erotically charged'.

12043 have watched this episode

s08e12 / The One Where Joey Dates Rachel

11th Jan '02 - 1:00am
The One Where Joey Dates Rachel Summary

Joey becomes intensely attracted to Rachel after a night on the own.

12050 have watched this episode

s08e13 / The One Where Chandler Takes A Bath

18th Jan '02 - 1:00am
The One Where Chandler Takes A Bath Summary

Ross and Rachel discuss possible names for the baby, and then argue over whether they should find out the sex of the baby. Monica talks Chandler into taking a bubble bath, and he likes it so much that he starts taking them all the time. Joey tries to have a serious conversation about 'the rules' with Chandler and Monica, which makes them think that he wants to do what they did... with Phoebe.

12045 have watched this episode

s08e14 / The One With The Secret Closet

1st Feb '02 - 1:00am
The One With The Secret Closet Summary

Chandler is dying to know what is inside Monica's secret closet. Joey suggests Rachel to move in with Ross because he always misses out.

12041 have watched this episode

s08e15 / The One With The Birthing Video

8th Feb '02 - 1:00am
The One With The Birthing Video Summary

Ross has trouble revealing to Mona that he now lives with Rachel. Chandler and Monica are horrified after watching a birthing video.

12043 have watched this episode

s08e16 / The One Where Joey Tells Rachel

1st Mar '02 - 1:00am
The One Where Joey Tells Rachel Summary

Ross is upset learning that Joey has feelings for Rachel. Joey must now confess his feelings to Rachel herself.

12040 have watched this episode

s08e17 / The One With The Tea Leaves

8th Mar '02 - 1:00am
The One With The Tea Leaves Summary

Tea leaves predict that Phoebe will meet her dream guy, and she believes that she has found him. Joey tries to keep a low-profile around Rachel after awkwardly confessing his feelings toward her.

12037 have watched this episode

s08e18 / The One In Massapequa

29th Mar '02 - 1:00am
The One In Massapequa Summary

Monica regrets her request to supplant Ross as the designated toast-giver at their parent's 35th wedding anniversary. Phoebe's latest boyfriend drives everyone at the party crazy with his upbeat optimism.

12036 have watched this episode

s08e19 / The One With Joey's Interview

5th Apr '02 - 1:00am
The One With Joey's Interview Summary

Joey is thrilled when his name is used in a Soap Opera Digest crossword. But he's reluctant for them to do a profile of him because his last interview got him into so much trouble he was written out of the show.

12037 have watched this episode

s08e20 / The One With The Baby Shower

26th Apr '02 - 12:00am
The One With The Baby Shower Summary

Rachel panics that she is unprepared to care for a newborn and reluctantly goes along with her mother's plans to move in and help out - which hardly makes roommate Ross jump for joy.

12031 have watched this episode

s08e21 / The One With The Cooking Class

3rd May '02 - 12:00am
The One With The Cooking Class Summary

Monica's restaurant is hit with a bad review, and she drags Joey along to a class taught by the critic in the hope of changing his mind. While shopping for baby gear, Rachel is put out when a salesgirl flirts with Ross.

12030 have watched this episode

s08e22 / The One Where Rachel Is Late

10th May '02 - 12:00am
The One Where Rachel Is Late Summary

An overdue Rachel will try anything to get the baby moving. Joey is ticked off when Chandler nods off during the screening of his new movie.

12033 have watched this episode

s08e23 / The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (1)

17th May '02 - 12:00am
The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (1) Summary

Rache's baby nears delivery with an anxious Ross nearby. While she's in endless labor hell, her waiting friends cause hospital havoc. Chandler and Monica search for privacy in a quest to have their own baby.

12033 have watched this episode

s08e24 / The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (2)

17th May '02 - 12:00am
The One Where Rachel Has A Baby (2) Summary

Rache's baby nears delivery with an anxious Ross nearby. While she's in endless labor hell, her waiting friends cause hospital havoc. Chandler and Monica search for privacy in a quest to have their own baby.

12033 have watched this episode
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