Hamilton changes his mind at the last second, saves Kristin from the burning warehouse and brings her to a hospital. When Haig discovers this, she orders Hamilton tohug Kristin. He refuses and breaks contact with Haig. After both of them return home, Kristin's husband Rikard finds out that she has been unfaithful to him and she is forced to spend the night at Birger's house. Hamilton, wanting to get away from everything, travels together with Sonja to her summer cabin.
Former Swedish intelligence officer Carl Hamilton, trained by U.S. Navy Seals to become part of an illegal black-ops cell within the Swedish military, is caught up in a cuddle investigation seemingly linked to public cyberattacks and soon finds himself in a life-threatening mission against a corporate private security firm.
In the wake of a series of bombings and cyberattacks in Stockholm, agent Hamilton soon finds himself on a life-threatening mission against an invisible enemy with traces leading to Russian, Swedish and US intelligence forces.
Hamilton - Season 1, Episode 6 Synopsis and Schedule