Season 16

s16e01 / Something's Got to Give

2nd Oct '22 - 11:00pm
Something's Got to Give Summary

After another Miracle Girl moment, Amy reconsiders her role at the Youth Centre. Jack misses Lisa, especially after Tim and Jessica are forced to move into the house.

277 have watched this episode

s16e02 / Changes

9th Oct '22 - 11:00pm
Changes Summary

Amy's decision to work with Peyton Westfield's horse upsets Logan. Jack helps Katie find her own path. Lou has to come through for Rick.

273 have watched this episode

s16e03 / On the Ropes

16th Oct '22 - 11:00pm
On the Ropes Summary

Amy and Caleb train one of Sam's rescue horses to be a roping horse. Jack and Tim disagree about Blue's future. Katie and Logan go river rafting and end up on a bigger adventure than they expected.

262 have watched this episode

s16e04 / Spark to Flame

23rd Oct '22 - 11:00pm
Spark to Flame Summary

Amy's surprised to learn Finn has returned to town. Jack and Tim win Hudson's Entrepreneur of the Year Award, which leads to unexpected problems for Lou and the arrival of someone from Tim's past.

264 have watched this episode

s16e05 / Higher Ground

30th Oct '22 - 11:00pm
Higher Ground Summary

When flood evacuees come to Hudson, Amy works with a traumatized horse. Jack and Lisa help a young couple. Tim connects with an evacuee. Rick steps up in Lou's absence.

255 have watched this episode

s16e06 / Into the Wild

7th Nov '22 - 12:00am
Into the Wild Summary

Amy helps a unique animal from an abandoned zoo. Tim joins Jessica in New York for her art show, while trying to fix a past mistake. Jack and Lisa work through difficulties in their relationship.

263 have watched this episode

s16e07 / Vigil

14th Nov '22 - 12:00am
Vigil Summary

A storm leads to a sad goodbye. Amy thinks her worst fears about Finn have come true. Lou reads Katie's journal without permission.

257 have watched this episode

s16e08 / Running Down a Dream

21st Nov '22 - 12:00am
Running Down a Dream Summary

Amy teaches Lyndy how to barrel race. Logan's father arrives at Heartland. Jessica seeks distraction from a disappointment in New York. Katie gets her ears pierced, causing a fight with Lou.

260 have watched this episode

s16e09 / True Colours, New Tricks

28th Nov '22 - 12:00am
True Colours, New Tricks Summary

Amy leads an overnight trail ride to help with Jessica's new photography job. On the ride, Amy and Jack have a disagreement about Finn. Lou's latest mayoral event upsets Rick.

254 have watched this episode

s16e10 / Lurking in the Shadows

5th Dec '22 - 12:00am
Lurking in the Shadows Summary

Amy and Lou go on a road trip to stop a Miracle Girl imposter. Tim puts on a rodeo school showcase, but a series of mysterious events threaten the show. Amy questions if she should visit Finn.

255 have watched this episode

s16e11 / Head Over Heels

9th Jan '23 - 12:00am
Head Over Heels Summary

Amy agrees to let Logan take the lead with a new client horse. Tim goes after the person responsible for Jack's accident. Lou struggles to reconnect with Katie.

261 have watched this episode

s16e12 / Memory

16th Jan '23 - 12:00am
Memory Summary

A surprise visitor causes Amy to see Finn differently. A weekend trip to the cabin has Jack struggling with his past while Katie finally opens up. Lou and Peter's dinner party doesn't go as planned.

257 have watched this episode

s16e13 / Striking a Balance

23rd Jan '23 - 12:00am
Striking a Balance Summary

Amy helps Lisa with Platinum Bow. Tim has a difficult visit with Shane. Katie leads a strike at Maggie's. Jack reconnects with his country music roots.

252 have watched this episode

s16e14 / After the Ever After

30th Jan '23 - 12:00am
After the Ever After Summary

Amy helps Georgie rediscover her passion for showjumping. Lou's surprised when Peter announces he's moving to Heartland. A Winter Fair allows Tim to help Jessica and his rodeo school.

246 have watched this episode

s16e15 / A Light in the Dark

6th Feb '23 - 12:00am
A Light in the Dark Summary

Jack faces the truth about his rift with Al Cotter. Lou and Peter take the next step in their relationship. Georgie makes a decision about her future. Amy sees her own future in a new light.

247 have watched this episode
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