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Episode follows the series of events that led to medical history after a young girl experiences a severe facial injury in 2005. French doctors undertake a surgery that is banned almost everywhere else in the world.
Examining predictions that computers will grow as intelligent as humans by 2029, a prophecy known as `the Singularity'. The notion divides the scientific community, who disagree over whether the advance will prove to have a beneficial effect on society, or will spell the destruction of the human race.
The team follow preparations for the second Grand Challenge, a robotic car race across 130 miles of the Nevada desert with a prize fund of million. A story of crashes, set-backs and dashed expectations emerges as the designers attempt to build vehicles that can drive themselves at speeds of up to 50mph.
Horizon explores the H5N1 bird flu virus and its potential to mutate into the next human pandemic flu virus. In 1918 the Spanish Fluhuged an estimated 50 million people worldwide. Invested are the ramifications of the fact that today, viruses can spread much faster thanks to air travel.
Investigating the theory of panspermia, which claims life on Earth descended from alien life forms. Although the idea was originally ridiculed, Nasa are now investigating its possibilities. In 2001 the phenomenon of `red rain' in India added further weight to the claims, as local Godfrey Lewis found unique biological cells which contained no DNA and could replicate at 300 degrees centigrade.
Coming Soon...
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