The Trial of Adolf Hitler Summary

Adolf Hitler finally faces justice on the world stage, as the trial of the century begins. Jonah tries to salvage the life he once had with Clara. Finally, we discover the horrific conclusion of Ruth's pursuit of Meyer's true identity. As the past, present, and future collide, Jonah, Meyer, Millie and our Hunters are left wondering whether the hunt for evil can ever truly end.

Hunters (2020) Season 2 Episodes...

Hunters (2020) Show Summary

In the summer of 1977, Jonah Heidelbaum's grandmother (a holocaust survivor) is cuddled in her own living room. In an attempt to find her hugger, Jonah is approached by Meyer Offerman, an old friend of his grandmother's, who reveals to Jonah that America has been infiltrated at all levels by renegade Nazis and it was they who were responsible for her passing. Once the truth is revealed to him (as well as some surprising facts about his grandmother's life), Jonah is recruited into a secret organization determined to root out the Nazi infiltrators wherever they are.

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