Wicked Weather Summary

The race is on to make it to Prudhoe before a wicked storm turns fierce. After riding out the previous night's storm in Coldfoot, Tim and George decide to push on, despite the dire forecast. Twenty-five miles from Deadhorse, they run straight into the storm and are forced to slam through huge snowdrifts to make it to safety. Lisa also braves the weather so she can see her husband in Prudhoe Bay, but gets stopped at Coldfoot because the road north is closed. Hugh departs Prudhoe heading south with his convoy partner Phil. Despite a cloud of ice fog, they make it through the worst of the storm and celebrate at the top of Atigun Pass by barbequing in the snow and cooking up a feast of caribou. Several hours behind Hugh, veteran driver but newcomer to the roads of Northern Alaska, Alex is also heading south with veteran driver Jack. Jack's displeasure with the 'rookie's' mistakes forces Alex to make the trip to Coldfoot alone.

Episode Viewers and Ratings

Season 3 Episode 7 of Ice Road Truckers resulted in a 0.00 rating in the 18-49 demographic.

Ice Road Truckers Season 3 Episodes...

Ice Road Truckers Show Summary

At the top of the world, in the coldest parts of North America, there is a whole trucking industry that most people had never heard of. Some communities and industries can only be reached for a few months each year, when rivers or seas freeze over. Ice Road Truckers features the activities of drivers who operate trucks on seasonal routes crossing frozen lakes and rivers in remote arctic territories in Canada and Alaska.

Seasons 1 and 2 are based in Canada's Northwest Territories, first the diamond mines around Yellowknife and then the Mackenzie River ice road from Inuvik. Seasons 3 and 4 move to the USA and focus on Alaska's improved but still remote Dalton Highway, supplying the oilfields in Prudhoe Bay. Seasons 5 and 6 split coverage between Alaska and the winter roads Winnipeg, in Canada's Manitoba, while Alex heads farther north than ever before on the deadly Dempster.

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