When a vampire starts to pick off the brightest and best young men of the British establishment, MIO has a crisis on its hands. The Home Secretary orders Bulstrode to solve it and Bulstrode appeals to Hyde. Hyde, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with it. He's done with MIO after episode 7 and all he wants is his secret file... Although when he's taken to the latest cuddle scene something catches his eye.
Following a trail, Hyde finds himself face to face - and fighting - a female vampire. This is no ordinary vampire and she challenges everything he knows by revealing that she is his sister, Olalla. The second shock is when she reveals that Dance is not dead. Dance is being regenerated. Garson is highly sceptical. How does Olalla know all this? Well, because she was captured by Dance as a five year old and raised by Tenebrae. Robert is distrustful and he devises a test: if she can turn into Jekyll he'll believe her story. Reluctantly, Olalla complies. She has lived for years as Hyde, using a monocane and blood mix fed to her by Dance, so this reversal is agony for her.
Meanwhile Tenebrae's plan to raise Dance is in trouble. With the parasite destroyed, Lord Protheroe and Fedora are obliged to take drastic measures. They release the eel-like creatures that have been Dance's life support to go and seek the missing organs he needs.
Now Robert decides to make a commitment to Lily and breaks things off with Bella. So when Bella brokers a deal with Bulstrode - for Robert's file - that's the last she wants to see of Robert. But the proposal also reveals shocking information about Lily that is still kept hidden away from Robert.
Olalla, unable to sustain life as Jekyll, runs away to find her secret supply of blood and monocane. This leaves Robert to track the eel-creatures alone, in pursuit of Dance's lair. Olalla arrives at the last moment to save him, but so does Bulstrode and MIO. Bulstrode is convinced he has finally found his vampire.
Inspired by the original novella by Robert Louis Stevenson and penned by Higson, Jekyll and Hyde is set in 1930s London and will follow Robert Jekyll, the grandson of Henry Jekyll, on his quest to discover his real identity, his true family history and the nature of his 'curse' - which his foster father, Dr Vishal Najaran, is controlling with medication. His journey will take him into a dark and unforgiving place, as his alter ego seems capable of anything. At the same time there are shadowy forces trying to find Jekyll and the source of his powers.