Kevin Gable, a newly retired police officer living with his wife Donna and their three children, is looking forward to raucous adventures with his fellow retired cop friends. But things take a turn when his college-age daughter Kendra announces she's quitting school to work and support her nerdy boyfriend Chale, who claims to be developing an app that will make them rich.
Now that he's home all the time, Kevin starts noticing Donna has moved a lot of things around to her own advantage and that most of his favorite stuff is in the attic. He confronts her, and she lets him move one thing back while agreeing they will always discuss changes together moving forward. Kevin thinks he's won, but his friends convince him Donna just threw him a bone and that nothing will change. Elsewhere, Kendra tries to get Chale to act more manly, but her schemes backfire.
Kevin thinks he's got it made when he hires someone, via a new online app, to do household chores for him while he plays football with his buddies and then takes all the credit with Donna.
Kevin tries to spice up his time with his buddies after he sees how much fun Donna and her friends have at their book club meetings.
Kevin forgets his wedding anniversary and tries to use Goody's heroic cop story to bail himself out.
Kevin and Donna are thrilled when their son, Jack, makes friends with a boy from school, Grayden, however, when Donna and Kevin don't hit it off with Grayden's arrogant father, Vic, and his pushy wife, Brandi, they set out to sabotage the boys' new friendship,.
On Halloween, Kevin and Donna's neighbors "trick" them in holiday style when they pretend not to be home to avoid giving out candy. Also, Chale has an altercation with a man dressed as a Viking.
When Kevin's ego is bruised after learning his former partner has a young, buff rookie named Nick, to ride with, he tries to reconnect by showing him what he's missing.
When Kevin takes a job as a bartender, he goes too far when he starts dispensing unsolicited advice to his customers,.
Kevin convinces his buddies to invest in his new food truck venture, but when his chef quits, Kevin's worried he bit off more than he can chew.
Kevin's resolve to spend more quality time with his family is put to the ultimate test when his buddies surprise him with tickets to see his favorite musician, Billy Joel, in concert. Billy Joel appears as himself.
Kevin volunteers to help Mott and his seven kids prepare for the holidays while Mott's wife is away, much to the dismay of Donna who is left high and dry on her own until Kyle swoops in to help.
After Kevin learns Chale took a job to buy Kendra an engagement ring, he decided to make good on his overdue promise to buy Donna a proper ring but his plan backfires when he tries to surprise her.
As Kevin tries to charm his neighbor into giving him permission to cut down one of her trees, he becomes intimidated by her imposing son and invites them over for a non-existent party.
Kevin brags about saving a man from choking after hearing how much attention his brother Kyle is receiving for saving a cat, Adam Ferrara guest stars as Bill, a man Kevin saves from choking, and "The Insider" correspondent Michael Yo guest stars as Tom, a morning show anchor who interviews Kyle.
Kevin and Donna jeopardize their chance for a kid-free vacation care of their chiropractor, when he catches them 'cheating' on him with his colleague. Also, Kyle is still bitter that Kevin overlooked him to be best man at his wedding to Donna.
Kevin competes with his childhood nemesis who is intent on reserving the same church date for his daughter's nuptials that Kendra wants for her wedding to Chale. Both men battle for the priest's approval by becoming more involved in the church.
When the Gables' mailbox is smashed, Kevin organizes a neighborhood watch with Goody, Duffy and his neighbor Rutger. It's later revealed that Kevin concocted the crime to avoid hanging out with Stewart, the annoying husband of Donna's cousin Irene.
When Kevin and Chale get jobs working in the warehouse at an electronics store to help pay for the wedding, Chale's quick promotion to the sales floor kick-starts Kevin's competitive side.
After Goody and Didi invite the Motts on a weekend getaway with them, Kevin and Donna are offended by the friendship demotion and go online to find new couples to hang out with,
Kevin strikes up an unlikely friendship with Harry Connick Jr., but he gets caught in a web of lies trying to impress his new friend.
When Donna says she'll send Kevin to the Mets Fantasy Camp if he lowers his cholesterol, Chale secretly coaches him through a juice cleanse.
Kevin begrudgingly agrees to come out of retirement briefly to reprise an undercover assignment where he and his old rival Vanessa Cellucci, once again, pose as husband and wife. Also, Donna is up for a promotion and Chale gets a lucrative new job.
Kevin is strong-armed by his undercover partner, to extend their investigation by attending a fraudulent dealer's weekend show in Boson. Also, Chale's dream job is not what it seems and Donna mouths-off to her boss.