The premiere of this sketch-comedy show features a basketball referee trying to make postgame plans with players; a reality show starring two publicists named Liz; "Sex in the City for Dudes"; a diet infomercial; and a teen soap called "Wheels Ontario" that's set at a school for disabled children.
Two rich guys go to Mexico; a plastic surgeon for animals gets a reality show; life's successful moments are celebrated football-style.
A couple build a secret room; Bobby Bottleservice probes paranormal activity; a young Billy Joel goes on an adventure.
Liz and Liz promote yogurt water, Rich Dicks go shopping, and Oh Hello's Gil & George play a prank.
Profiles of men with ponytails; on the street with Fabrice Fabrice. Also: Dr. Armond jumps back into the dating pool.
Roman Armond lands a spin-off series; Gil Faizon and George St. Geegland play basketball, but their fun is spoiled by an injury. Also: exploring the illegal restaurant custom known as "dining and dashing".
Two rich guys crash their car; love blossoms for a pair while ice skating; a radio host counsels a suicidal rock star.
In the Season 1 finale, a wedding divides Liz and Liz; Bobby Bottleservice displays his entrepreneurial side; and Ref Jeff opens a "bounce house" business.