Season 2

s02e01 / The Unpleasantness at Brampton Hall

5th Jan '22 - 9:00pm
The Unpleasantness at Brampton Hall Summary

Unpleasantness comes in many forms. Like when you pick up an apple from the fruit bowl and find the hidden side has decomposed. The unpleasantness at Brampton Hall is different. So forget we said that. Contains the worst kind of nudity.

140 have watched this episode

s02e02 / Who Are You, Do You Think?

5th Jan '22 - 9:30pm
Who Are You, Do You Think? Summary

Mandy accidentally finds herself on the programme Who Are You, Do You Think - a fictional genealogy programme that is in no way parodying the real-life genealogy programme Who Do You Think You Are? Not at all. We've never even seen it.

135 have watched this episode

s02e03 / Holiday for One

12th Jan '22 - 9:00pm
Holiday for One Summary

According to a friend of a friend, if the staff on a cruise start handing out free choc ices, it means a passenger has died and they need to make room in the freezer.

137 have watched this episode

s02e04 / SpaceMandy

12th Jan '22 - 9:30pm
SpaceMandy Summary

Why is Mandy training to be an astronaut? Why is Mars called The Red Planet? These questions and more will remain unanswered.

136 have watched this episode

s02e05 / Fatberg

19th Jan '22 - 9:00pm
Fatberg Summary

There is nothing more shameful for us as a society than the existence of fatbergs. But forget about that for a moment and enjoy this episode.

134 have watched this episode

s02e06 / The Curse of Mandy Carter

19th Jan '22 - 9:30pm
The Curse of Mandy Carter Summary

Apparently if you stare into the eyes of a forest goblin, you'll be dead within a week. Just fyi.

133 have watched this episode
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