Housewives solve the labor problem and clean up the arts; credits; Mr. Gumby goes to have a lobotomy; animation- Good Evening; George and Gladys watch a program on mollusks `Yes, the mollusk is a randy little bastard!'; animation- baby sucking on pacifier; BBC news report mutates into different forms; politicians- an apology; reporter covering Naval expedition becomes Long John Silver, animation- Today's R.N., coverage continues of Naval expedition to Lake Pahoe located at 22A Runcorn St.; Mr. Badger answers questions about Magna Carta in mime; credits.
And now for something completely different: Monty Python's Flying Circus was simply the most influential comedy program television has ever seen. Five Englishmen, all working under the constraints of conventional TV shows such as The Frost Report (for which the five Englishmen wrote), gathered together with an expatriate American in the spring of 1969 to break the rules. The result, first airing on BBC-1 on October 5, 1969, has influenced countless future men and women in the media and comedy since.
Monty Python's Flying Circus - The War Against Pornography Synopsis and Schedule