The cul-de-sac comedy drama returns as Lisa and Dan prepare for the imminent birth of their baby, while adjusting to the unexpected arrival of his wayward brother Robbie. Elsewhere, Greg is released from prison following his mix-up with drug dealers, Denise's modelling career takes off and Gary receives his A-level results. Sally Lindsay and Daniel Ryan star.
As Lisa grapples with life as a stay-at-home mum, Dan tries to uncover the real reason for Robbie's sudden return from New York. Gary receives good news in the form of an invitation to try out for a professional football club, while Bradley's crooked past catches up with him and Bianca takes in Roger when the vicarage suffers a mice problem.
Temperatures increase on the close as Tanya and Greg become better acquainted . Lisa is furious after she returns to work to discover that somebody new has filled her shoes.
Bianca discovers a knack for giving advice when she has to play unlikely counsellor to one of Roger's troubled parishioners.
Robbie make a confession after Dan finds out the real reason for his return to Manchester. Fergus tries to sort things out with Denise.
Lisa and Dan attempt to act as peacemakers as they deal with the fallout from Robbie's revelations.
Barry takes a some drastic measures after Pauline throws herself into granny duties. Dan attempts to make sure that a liaison between Greg and Tanya does not happen.
Bradley's deranged and dangerous ex-business partner causes trouble.