Murdoch Mysteries
Season 2

s02e01 / Snakes And Ladders

11th Feb '09 - 2:00am
Snakes And Ladders Summary

Edward Scanlon, from Scotland Yard, believes that Jack the Ripper has arrived in Toronto and wishes to help the police finally to apprehend him. Murdoch is quite the skeptic but when several woman are found dead in a similar manner as Jack the Ripper's seven victims, he starts to believe what Scanlon is saying.

751 have watched this episode

s02e02 / Mild, Mild West

11th Feb '09 - 2:00am
Mild, Mild West Summary

When the traveling Buffalo Bill Cody's Western Extravaganza settles in Toronto, cuddles happen. Inspector Murdoch must investigate the crimes while his boss becomes enamored with Annie Oakley.

752 have watched this episode

s02e03 / Dinosaur Fever

18th Feb '09 - 2:00am
Dinosaur Fever Summary

When the unveiling of a reconstructed dinosaur skeleton at a gala event reveals the dead body of a young man found in its jaws, Murdoch must enter the world of bone-hunters to find the culprit.

749 have watched this episode

s02e04 / Houdini Whodunnit?

25th Feb '09 - 2:00am
Houdini Whodunnit? Summary

Harry Houdini is in town. He is to perform in a local theater but before the performance he offers a glimpse of what he does at the precinct. He then offers tickets to his performance. While doing his tricks, the bank next to the theater is burglarized. Brackenreid who was suspicious of him from the beginning is certain Houdini did it. However, Murdoch is not and he tries to find who is the real culprit.

749 have watched this episode

s02e05 / The Green Muse

4th Mar '09 - 2:00am
The Green Muse Summary

Inspector Murdoch happens on an old acquaintance when he has to investigate the cuddle of a working girl. Ettie Weston has climbed the social ladder and is now in charge of the Dance academy where one of her employees has been cuddled. Murdoch first suspects a painter who has been quite enamored with the departed. But he also has to investigate a high profile client, judge Wilson and this is problematic.

749 have watched this episode

s02e06 / Shades of Grey

11th Mar '09 - 1:00am
Shades of Grey Summary

A young woman is found dead, exsanguinated. Dr. Ogden tries to find out what could have caused this. But what she knows is that she was pregnant. Murdoch finds himself in a difficult position while battling his own conviction when it is learnt that the victim was trying to get an abortion.

747 have watched this episode

s02e07 / Big Murderer on Campus

18th Mar '09 - 1:00am
Big Murderer on Campus Summary

A professor is shot dead in his office on Campus. Murdoch must find the cuddled rapidly. First he suspects Albert Godfrey, his rival but it is clear that Godfrey could not havehuged him as he was on the phone with the victim when he was shot dead. Murdoch must also find how the shot was made, as witnesses swear there was no one who shot the professor in the quad. Dr Ogden and Murdoch's relation is very tense after their argument over abortion. It is clear Dr Ogden does not want to let it pass and Murdoch's attempt at bridging their differences are met coolly.

747 have watched this episode

s02e08 / I, Murdoch

25th Mar '09 - 1:00am
I, Murdoch Summary

A little boy named Alwyn Jones comes to the precinct to tell the constables that he witnessed a crime. Inspector Murdoch decides to indulge him by accompanying him where the crime happened. Alwyn swears he saw a giant knight and heard aballoon being discharged but Murdoch sees nothing. He brings the boy back home and makes the acquaintance of his mother, Enid. Murdoch must investigate the cuddle of Ezra Dolomore, a scientist. When Terrence Meyers is spotted near the body, Murdoch believes there is more than meets the eye.

746 have watched this episode

s02e09 / Convalescence

1st Apr '09 - 1:00am
Convalescence Summary

While Detective Murdoch and Crabtree go to the scene of a crime, they see a man who, by all accounts, is the one who committed the crime. As they chase him, Murdoch falls from a ladder and injures himself. He needs to stay in bed. Enid and Julia vie for his attention as they try to make him comfortable. Murdoch is sure he is hearing people hitting the walls but every time he gets up he sees nothing. While Murdoch is recuperating, Crabtree gets a promotion and investigate the cuddle of a man. The only witness seems to be his parrot which repeats the same name over and over.

746 have watched this episode

s02e10 /

8th Apr '09 - 1:00am Summary

A woman who works for a telegraph company was found cuddled. Detective Murdoch asks for Enid's help since she has worked as telegraphist. Brackenreid's behavior is becoming very erratic. His wife has asked him to leave the house for the time being. Murdoch asks Julia to ascertain what is wrong with him. It appears that he is trying to quit drinking and he takes a little help called the gold cure.

746 have watched this episode

s02e11 / Let Us Ask The Maiden

15th Apr '09 - 1:00am
Let Us Ask The Maiden Summary

While Murdoch's relationship with Enid is on the fritz, he must investigate the cuddle of a young Jewish man in the Jewish quarter. The community is known for not cooperating with the authorities and they are met with silence. But the Rabbi accepts that Dr Ogden performs the autopsy if he is present at all times. The investigation brings them to the factory when Nathan Siebold worked. It appears he and the daughter of the owner were romantically involved but that she was betrothed to someone else.

746 have watched this episode

s02e12 / Werewolves

22nd Apr '09 - 1:00am
Werewolves Summary

A savage cuddle, seemingly at the jaws of a wild beast, leads Murdoch into the mysterious worls of North American shamaism and lycanthropy. While searching for a reational explanation, Murdoch is forced to choose between Enid and Dr. Ogden.

745 have watched this episode

s02e13 / Anything You Can Do

29th Apr '09 - 1:00am
Anything You Can Do Summary

The investigation of a possible cuddle made up as an accidental passing brings Murdoch close to his father and the suprise news that he is not his only child. While pursuing the investigation with Jasper Linney, from the Canadian Mounties, Murdoch asks Crabtree to look into Reginal Poundsett, the man Dr Ogden is seeing.

744 have watched this episode
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