Lenu and Lila continue their lives in different path: Lila works in the show store and Elena returns to school.
Antonio is mad as Lenu for trying to stop his draft to the army. Stefano hits Lila and opens his heart to Lenu. Lila is mad at Lenu for trying to reconcile Stefano and her.
Lila continues to hold a grudge against Stefano as the shoe shop opens and she goes to work at his new grocery store; Elena brings Lila to a party at her teacher's home.
Elena agrees to a holiday in Ischia with Lila, knowing that Nino Sarratore will also be on the island.
Pinuccia leaves Ischia to go back to Rino and the group of five becomes of four. There's now a rift between Lila and Elena - one that goes by the name of Nino.
The relationship between Elena and Lila becomes considerably colder. Elena plunges headfirst into studying for her finals, whilst Lila is having to tackle problems of an entirely different nature.
University life in Pisa has deeply changed Elena. Back in Naples for the Easter holidays, she discovers that just as many changes have affected the neighbourhood, and with it Lila's life.
Close to graduating, Elena is seized by a creative impulse that gives birth to her first novel.