A wild child and retired sergeant are stranded in the Belize Jungle following a catastrophic hurricane that threatens their entire challenge. Can they survive in a rainforest that has been turned completely upside down?.
An extreme athlete & a book smart bartender tackle an Ecuadorian forest where it rains daily. Will their inability to know their own limits eventually get the best of them or will Mother Nature strike the final blow in this Naked & Afraid first?.
A former Marine and a stonemason take on armies of stinging red ants and bubbling mud volcanoes on the Caribbean island of Trinidad.
A survival instructor and a retiree of the armed forces are inserted into the volcano-ravaged island of Montserrat; they have different survival styles but find a way to work together, then one accident has an eruptive effect on both.
Two fans, a single mom and an optimistic novice, are selected to take on a special fourteen-day survival challenge on the coast of South Africa.
A California Buddhist and an Oregon fisherman test their skills against the unforgiving Australian outback, where harsh conditions, scarce food sources and saltwater crocodiles threaten their survival.
An ex-marine and a perky Southern girl face constant downpours, cabin fever, threats from predators, lack of sleep and extreme hunger in the Panamanian Jungle.
A survivalist and an Air Force veteran try to survive in the swamps of Louisiana, but there is trouble in the partnership.
Jeremy and Melanie continue their challenge in the haunted swamps of Louisiana, enduring threats from predators as they search for food.
A survival-savvy yoga teacher and a custom knife maker tackle the brutal jungle of Colombia. Their primitive survival skills are impressive, but the deadly spiders and tics test both their courage and resilience, threatening to take them down.
A former military man and an optimistic naturalist face humidity, unhappy storms, caiman, and red-bellied piranha in the Amazon jungle.