October Faction follows the story of a monster-hunting couple, Fred and Deloris Allen, and their twin teenage children, Geoff and Viv. Following the passing of Fred's father Samuel, the family decides to go back to their home town Barrington-on-Hudson to arrange the funeral. Haunted with childhood memories of his brother's passing and the incessant arguments with his parents over his inadequacy and his choice in women, Fred shows reluctance and appalment in being back home. The kids soon begin showing supernatural tendencies, as Viv has visions during a seance about a creature with long hair chained to the seafloor, struggling to free itself. And Geoff reveals a teacher's deepest, darkest secret about his wife in front of his classmates. Both off to a bad start at making friends, they get ridiculed by the popular cliques for being outsiders.
October Faction - Truth and Consequences Synopsis and Schedule