When Cudney threatens to spill the truth about Cyril's 'wins', Ryan solicits Kosygin for help. He then schemes to have Kosygin and Stanislofsky eliminated and finally, tips off the hacks to get Hernandez and Ricardo busted. Busmalis gets a welcome visitor. Sister Pete's questions keep rising after sessions with Keller. Nappa continues working on his new project. Beecher asks Said for lessons in the Islamic faith.
OZ is set deep inside the Oswald Maximum Security Prison, in an experimental unit known as Emerald City. Em City focuses on prisoner rehabilitation over public retribution. There's one set of rules from the outside looking in, and another once you're inside. Every group - Muslims, Latinos, Italians, Aryans - stick close to their mutual friends and terrorizes their mutual enemies.
Oz - Cruel and Unusual Punishments Synopsis and Schedule