Season 6

s06e01 / Get the Show on the Road!

15th Mar '03 - 12:00pm
Get the Show on the Road! Summary

A new girl named May is on her way to getting her very first Pokemon! Meanwhile, Pikachu is feeling under the weather and well may bring harm due to his voltage not being released!

417 have watched this episode

s06e02 / A Ruin with a View

15th Mar '03 - 12:00pm
A Ruin with a View Summary

Ash's journey through Hoenn with May as they encounter Team Magma.

417 have watched this episode

s06e03 / There's no Place Like Hoenn

15th Nov '03 - 12:00pm
There's no Place Like Hoenn Summary

Arriving in Petalburg City, Ash meets up with May's family including her father who is the gym leader.

416 have watched this episode

s06e04 / You Never Can Taillow

22nd Nov '03 - 12:00pm
You Never Can Taillow Summary

A group of Tailllow cause trouble when they are saved for the moment by Brock.

416 have watched this episode

s06e05 / In the Knicker of Time!

22nd Nov '03 - 12:00pm
In the Knicker of Time! Summary

The group encounter Nicholai who dresses up as Pokémon who challenges May to a battle.

415 have watched this episode

s06e06 / A Poached Ego!

29th Nov '03 - 12:00pm
A Poached Ego! Summary

A poacher has a load of Ekans and Koffing and Team Rocket works to free them.

415 have watched this episode

s06e07 / Tree's a Crowd

29th Nov '03 - 12:30pm
Tree's a Crowd Summary

Deep in the woods, Ash spies a Treecko. He's wanted to catch a Treecko since he first saw one at Professor Birch's laboratory. He follows the Treecko to an enormous tree that seems to be dying. There, Ash's Treecko has an argument with all of the other Treecko. It seems that Ash's Treecko is very attached to the tree and wants to stay with it, while the rest of the clan wants to move on to a new tree. Ash watches as the lone Treecko struggles to save the tree. He and Pikachu feel badly for the Treecko and try to help. In the end, however, the tree dies and falls. Now that its home is gone, Treecko is ready to make a new home with Ash. He and Pikachu battle, and Ash catches his Treecko!

413 have watched this episode

s06e08 / A Tail with a Twist

6th Dec '03 - 12:00pm
A Tail with a Twist Summary

A Seviper causes trouble with Treecko and Jessie after defeating Treecko and biting off Jessie's hair.

412 have watched this episode

s06e09 / Taming of the Shroomish

6th Dec '03 - 12:00pm
Taming of the Shroomish Summary

A group of Shroomish are causing trouble in a city as the group tries to help.

412 have watched this episode

s06e10 / You Said a Mouthful!

13th Dec '03 - 12:00pm
You Said a Mouthful! Summary

The group come across a man with a Pelipper who can use moves Pelipper can't normally learn.

412 have watched this episode

s06e11 / A Bite to Remember

13th Dec '03 - 12:00pm
A Bite to Remember Summary

The group come across a Poochyena that is having trouble using the move Bite.

411 have watched this episode

s06e12 / The Lotad Lowdown

20th Dec '03 - 12:00pm
The Lotad Lowdown Summary

Swimming in a lake, the group encounter a large group of Lotad that help the nearby flower shop.

411 have watched this episode

s06e13 / All Things Bright and Beautifly!

27th Dec '03 - 12:00pm
All Things Bright and Beautifly! Summary

The group learn that a Pokémon contest is taking place nearby gaining May's interest as they go and watch.

409 have watched this episode

s06e14 / All in a Day's Wurmple

3rd Jan '04 - 12:00pm
All in a Day's Wurmple Summary

As the gang continues to make their way towards Rustboro City, May spots a Wurmple that she's dying to catch - but she's not the only one with her eye on the cute little bug Pokémon. Jessie wants it, too. May ventures off on her own to catch her Wurmple, but Team Rocket follows and gives her trouble. Luckily, she gets some help from a trainer named Franklin. Meanwhile, Ash and Pikachu are practicing Pikachu's Iron Tail attack. A trainer named Franklin sees them practicing and challenges them to a battle. Franklin teaches Ash about double battles, which are common in the Hoenn region. With help from her new friend Franklin, May catches the Wurmple she wanted. When she and Franklin go to meet up with the gang, everyone is really surprised. The Franklins are actually identical twins - Forrest and Forrester Franklin! All is not lost for Team Rocket, however. Jessie manages to snag a Wurmple of her own before Team Rocket blasts off at the end of the episode.

408 have watched this episode

s06e15 / Gonna Rule the School!

10th Jan '04 - 12:00pm
Gonna Rule the School! Summary

Gym leader Roxanne teaches at a nearby school as Max decides to enroll and learn a few things.

408 have watched this episode

s06e16 / The Winner by a Nosepass

10th Jan '04 - 12:30pm
The Winner by a Nosepass Summary

Ash challenges Roxanne to a gym battle using Pikachu and Treecko against her Rock types.

408 have watched this episode

s06e17 / Stairway to Devon

17th Jan '04 - 12:00pm
Stairway to Devon Summary

Max's PokéNav breaks requiring some repairs to be done at the Devon Corporation.

408 have watched this episode

s06e18 / On a Wingull and a Prayer!

24th Jan '04 - 12:00pm
On a Wingull and a Prayer! Summary

Hoping to get to Dewford Island for his next gym match, they head in search of a boat and meet Briney

408 have watched this episode

s06e19 / Sharpedo Attack!

31st Jan '04 - 12:00pm
Sharpedo Attack! Summary

Swimming in the ocean, a group of Sharpedo attack causing the group trouble.

408 have watched this episode

s06e20 / Brave the Wave

7th Feb '04 - 12:00pm
Brave the Wave Summary

Arriving on Dewford Island, Ash challenges Brawley to a gym battle using Treecko and Taillow.

407 have watched this episode

s06e21 / Which Wurmple's Which?

14th Feb '04 - 12:00pm
Which Wurmple's Which? Summary

Both Misty and Jessie have Wurmple which causes confusion when the two get confused.

406 have watched this episode

s06e22 / A Hole Lotta Trouble

14th Feb '04 - 12:30pm
A Hole Lotta Trouble Summary

In Granite Cave, the group become seperated from each other as a bunch of Aron cause trouble.

406 have watched this episode

s06e23 / Gone Corphishin'

21st Feb '04 - 12:00pm
Gone Corphishin' Summary

On a beach, a mysterious Pokémon is causing trouble as Ash tries to catch it.

406 have watched this episode

s06e24 / A Corphish Out of Water

28th Feb '04 - 12:00pm
A Corphish Out of Water Summary

Ash's new Corphish isn't feeling well as Ash must get it to a Pokémon Centre.

406 have watched this episode

s06e25 / A Mudkip Mission!

13th Mar '04 - 12:00pm
A Mudkip Mission! Summary

The group come across a pond where Mudkip eggs are hatched for new trainers.

406 have watched this episode

s06e26 / Turning Over a Nuzleaf

27th Mar '04 - 12:00pm
Turning Over a Nuzleaf Summary

Thanks to Loudred, the gang become seperated as a group of Nuzleaf cause trouble.

406 have watched this episode

s06e27 / A Three Team Scheme!

17th Apr '04 - 11:00am
A Three Team Scheme! Summary

A secret base causes trouble as Team Rocket, Magma and Aqua fight for it.

406 have watched this episode

s06e28 / Seeing is Believing!

24th Apr '04 - 11:00am
Seeing is Believing! Summary

Jessie and May can't wait to get a Beautifly but Jessie is unaware she has a Cascoon, not a Silcoon.

406 have watched this episode

s06e29 / Ready, Willing and Sableye

1st May '04 - 11:00am
Ready, Willing and Sableye Summary

In an old shaft, Team Rocket find a Sableye and decide to use it to catch the gang's Pokémon.

405 have watched this episode

s06e30 / A Meditite Fight!

8th May '04 - 11:00am
A Meditite Fight! Summary

Preparing for Ash's rematch against Brawley, the gang encounter his assistant Shauna who wants a battle with Ash.

405 have watched this episode

s06e31 / Just One of the Geysers

15th May '04 - 11:00am
Just One of the Geysers Summary

Ash has his rematch against Brawley and decides to use his Treecko and his Corphish against Brawley's fighting types.

405 have watched this episode

s06e32 / Abandon Ship!

15th May '04 - 11:30am
Abandon Ship! Summary

Heading for Slateport City, the gang encounter the Abandoned Ship and decide to explore where something strange is taking place.

405 have watched this episode

s06e33 / Now That's Flower Power!

22nd May '04 - 11:00am
Now That's Flower Power! Summary

Training for her contest debut, May encounters Drew and his Roselia, who proves to be a tough rival.

404 have watched this episode

s06e34 / Having a Wailord of a Time

22nd May '04 - 11:30am
Having a Wailord of a Time Summary

Max and Ash are looking after a group of starter Pokémon but have trouble when Torchic evolves into Combusken.

404 have watched this episode

s06e35 / Win, Lose or Drew!

29th May '04 - 11:00am
Win, Lose or Drew! Summary

May enters her contest debut in Slateport City but faces competition from experienced coordinators.

404 have watched this episode

s06e36 / The Spheal of Approval

29th May '04 - 11:30am
The Spheal of Approval Summary

Ash and Max receive a tour of the Sea Museum in Slateport City only for Team Magma to be there stealing something.

404 have watched this episode

s06e37 / Jump for Joy!

28th Aug '04 - 11:00am
Jump for Joy! Summary

The gang arrive in a Pokémon Center only to discover that the Nurse Joy there has been taken by a Shiftry.

404 have watched this episode

s06e38 / A Different Kind of Misty

28th Aug '04 - 11:30am
A Different Kind of Misty Summary

The gang come across a lighthouse powered by electric type Pokémon when Team Rocket strikes.

404 have watched this episode

s06e39 / A Poké-BLOCK Party

4th Sep '04 - 11:00am
A Poké-BLOCK Party Summary

The gang come across a Trick House where a competition is taking place only to discover Jigglypuff is in the building.

404 have watched this episode

s06e40 / Watt's with Wattson

4th Sep '04 - 11:30am
Watt's with Wattson Summary

Ash challenges Wattson to a gym battle but Pikachu manages to defeat them by himself causing Wattson to become depressed.

404 have watched this episode
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