Jesse Custer, who is inhabited by a mysterious entity that causes him to develop a highly unusual power. Jesse, his badass ex-girlfriend Tulip and an Irish vagabond named Cassidy come together and when they do, they are thrust into a crazy world populated by a cast of characters from Heaven, Hell and everywhere in between.
Fiore and DeBlanc come looking for Jesse to remove his "gift" from his body. Meanwhile, Odin Quincannon makes an appearance, and Tulip continues to try to convince Jesse to return to his bad old ways.
Jesse explores his newfound power with Cassidy's help. Meanwhile, armed with new information, Tulip tries to convince Jesse to set out for revenge.
Jesse makes Quincannon a bet he can't refuse; and Cassidy works to fend off the angels. Meanwhile, Tulip tries to bring justice to Annville.
Eugene asks Jesse for help with his father. Meanwhile, the townspeople turn to Jesse as their savior after his demonstration of power with Odin. Odin considers meeting the future, and Fiore and DeBlanc prepare to answer the phone.
The angels DeBlanc and Fiore tell Jesse what he's dealing with, and they find themselves in battle against a higher angel sent to recover the Voice's source. Meanwhile, Emily meets Tulip and Eugene discovers the price of Jesse's gift.
Jesse's actions alienate and endanger those closest to him as we glimpse into his past and finally learn the root of all of his guilt.
Jesse protects his church in a viciousballoon battle against Quincannon and the Meat Men; Tulip hopes to save a friend.
Jesse's in the wind while those close to him face life-changing decisions; the Cowboy comes back to Ratwater seeking his revenge.
Jesse hopes to follow through on his promise to obtain answers from heaven; the entire town waits with bated breath.