Queer as Folk (US)
Season 5

s05e01 / Move and Leave

23rd May '05 - 2:00am
Move and Leave Summary

The Gang is back!! Michael plans a party that doesn't go quite as planned. Justin makes a decision that will effect his future with Brian and Brian makes a sound investment in a new business venture with Ted's encouragement.

392 have watched this episode

s05e02 / Back In Business

23rd May '05 - 2:00am
Back In Business Summary

Times are changing on Liberty Avenue. Justin returns and Brian re-opens Babylon. Michael makes a major decision regarding his daughter while Emmett gets a new job. Ted becomes the center of attention and makes some changes to his appearance.

391 have watched this episode

s05e03 / Fags Are No Different Than People

30th May '05 - 2:00am
Fags Are No Different Than People Summary

Brian and Michael's relationship is showing signs of strain as Michael embraces his new life with Ben and their family. Debbie decides to retire from the diner and a newcomer takes over.

389 have watched this episode

s05e04 / Hard Decisions

6th Jun '05 - 2:00am
Hard Decisions Summary

Brian's beliefs regarding marriage haven't changed. Debbie has difficulty adjusting to retirement and Ted decides to make some drastic changes in his life.

389 have watched this episode

s05e05 / Excluding and Abstemiousness

13th Jun '05 - 2:00am
Excluding and Abstemiousness Summary

Brian has some news for Justin and ALL of his previous partners. Carl has a rival for Debbie's affections and Hunter makes a decision that will not only change his life, but Ben and Michael's as well.

387 have watched this episode

s05e06 / Bored Out of Ya Fucking Mind

20th Jun '05 - 2:00am
Bored Out of Ya Fucking Mind Summary

Brian has a rival. Emmett faces a career challenge while Ted has the oppotunity to exact some revenge. Ben and Michael try to help Hunter and Debbie's retirement appears to be shortlived.

387 have watched this episode

s05e07 / Hope Against Hope

27th Jun '05 - 2:00am
Hope Against Hope Summary

Justin decides to leave the loft which creates a rift between Michael and Brian. Ted struggles to exact his plan of revenge while Lindsey and Gus move back to her parents.

386 have watched this episode

s05e08 / Honest to Yourself

4th Jul '05 - 2:00am
Honest to Yourself Summary

Ben grieves the loss of Hunter. Melanie and Lindsey attempt an in-house seperation. Emmett finds himself the centre of some unwanted attention and Justin has a brush with the law... and his father.

387 have watched this episode

s05e09 / Anything In Common

11th Jul '05 - 2:00am
Anything In Common Summary

Brian and Michael are still not talking. Lindsey and Melanie's seperation contiunes. Ted continues his search to find Mr. Right and Drew Boyd finally comes out.

387 have watched this episode

s05e10 / I Love You

18th Jul '05 - 2:00am
I Love You Summary

Cyndi Lauper guest stars as Babylon plays hosts to an event that will shatter many lives... especially Ben's.

387 have watched this episode

s05e11 / Fuckin' Revenge

25th Jul '05 - 2:00am
Fuckin' Revenge Summary

Brian re-evaulates his priorities in the aftermath of the bombing. Michael contiunes on the long and painful road to recovery with Ben at his side and a vigil for the victims ends in chaos.

387 have watched this episode

s05e12 / Mr. Right (Never Broke a Promise)

1st Aug '05 - 2:00am
Mr. Right (Never Broke a Promise) Summary

Brian and Justin celebrate with the biggest choice of their lives. Meanwhile, Lindsay and Melanie make the final decision about their future, while Emmett makes his decision about his relationship with Drew. Ted apears to have found happiness at last.

387 have watched this episode

s05e13 / We Will Survive!

8th Aug '05 - 2:00am
We Will Survive! Summary

Will Brian and Justin finally live happily ever after? Has Ted found the right guy, or does Mr. Right lie closer to home? How will Lindsay and Melanie say goodbye to all their friends before starting a new life? What will Ben and Michael's decision be regarding Hunter? Find out in "Queer As Folk"'s series finale, because it'll be surprising as the show has always been.

387 have watched this episode
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