Staff shortages have the team working at their limits. Amidst the chaos of the White Cliffs rodeo, Pete is forced to act outside his scope of practice when faced with a multi-casualty car accident.
Pete discovers an emergency intervention he performed has had major repercussions, while the team are called to a retrieval where they are challenged with keeping a patient's explosive secret.
Dr Harrod's first day back on the job produces some awkward moments and Wayne finds something of Mira's that causes concern. The condition of a child with a suspected head injury becomes life threatening when a snake bite is discovered on his foot and the RFDS is asked to transport a prisoner.
Eliza is tasked with leading the review into the White Cliffs incident as the team are faced with a skydiving accident, a missing patient and an old friend who's suffered a dangerous fall.
Tensions flare between Eliza and Pete while transporting a contagious patient in stifling PPE, as Wayne's world is thrown upside down when a callout to a seizing patient takes a harrowing turn.
Wayne's grief surrounding a sudden passing results in dire consequences for his own health and a race against the clock for the team to get to him, especially for a terrified Mira.
With Dolly Hardon's charity drag night underway, what is supposed to be a night of fun for the RFDS team and the community descends into chaos when a bad batch of MDMA is found to be doing the rounds.
Pete is forced to face his deepest fears, when he, Wayne, and the RFDS crew are all tasked to a catastrophic multi-casualty boat crash in some of the most challenging terrain they have faced.