Real Time with Bill Maher
Season 2

s02e01 / January 16, 2004

17th Jan '04 - 4:00am
January 16, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

Bill's guests tonight are:

* Reverend Al Sharpton, African-American leader and Democratic Presidential candidate.

* Ron Silver, Actor and Director, Tony Award winner.

* Rep.Darrell Issa (R-CA), known for his support of anti-marijuana laws and the Patriot Act.

Bill's guests via satellite are:

* Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.), former commander of NATO forces and Democratic Presidential candidate.

* Moby, singer/songwriter and one of the men behind MoveOn.Org.

226 have watched this episode

s02e02 / January 23, 2004

24th Jan '04 - 4:00am
January 23, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

Bill's guests tonight are:

* Richard Belzer, actor most famous from Law & Order: SVU.

* David Frum, former speech writer for George W. Bush.

* Farai Chideya, journalist and contributor to NPR.

Bill's guests via satellite are:

* Sen. John Edwards (D-SC), Democratic Presidential candidate.

* Ralph Nader, consumer activist and independent Presidential candidate.

226 have watched this episode

s02e03 / January 30, 2004

31st Jan '04 - 4:00am
January 30, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)

Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

Bill's guests tonight are:

* Sean Astin, actor most famous for his lead role in "Rudy" and as Sam in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

* Larry Miller, comedian/actor and writer.

* Mindy Tucker Fletcher, Republican strategist on the Bush/Cheney campaign.

Bill's guests via satellite are:

* Michael Moore, noted documentarian.

* Max Cleland, ex-democratic senator of Georgia.

226 have watched this episode

s02e04 / February 6, 2004

7th Feb '04 - 4:00am
February 6, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)

Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

Bill's guests tonight are:

* Andrew Sullivan, author/journalist and openly gay conservative.

* Carol Moseley Braun, former senator from IL and Democratic Presidential candidate.

* Rob Schneider, actor/comedian and SNL alum.

Bill's guests via satellite are:

* Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D-MI), the first female governor of Michigan.

* Ron Suskind, author of "The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill."

226 have watched this episode

s02e05 / February 13, 2004

14th Feb '04 - 4:00am
February 13, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

Bill's guests tonight are:

* Jason Alexander, actor, most famous for his role as "Costanza" on Seinfeld.

* Deborah Simmons, editor and columnist for "The Washington Times."

* William Baldwin, actor, one of the Baldwin brothers, he has a degree in political science.

Bill's guests via satellite are:

* Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM), a member of the Armed Services Committee and on the current panel hearings on obscenity.

* James Moore, author of "Bush's War for Re-Election."

* Bill Burkett, Lt. Col. (ret) in the Texas Air National Guard.

226 have watched this episode

s02e06 / February 20, 2004

21st Feb '04 - 4:00am
February 20, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

Bill's panel guests tonight are:

* Jon Favreau, actor/director, whose recent movie is Elf.

* Debra Dickerson, controversial author of "The End of Blackness."

* D.L. Hughley, actor/comedian and host of HBO's Def Comedy Jam.

Bill's other guests are:

* Sen. George Allen (R-VA), former Governor and now Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

* Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), Presidential candidate.

226 have watched this episode

s02e07 / February 27, 2004

28th Feb '04 - 4:00am
February 27, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)

Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

Bill's panellists are:

* Kwame Kilpatrick, mayor of Detroit, Michigan

* Christine Todd Whitman, President of the EPA from 2001-2003

* Sir Ian McKellen, acclaimed actor famous for his role as Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Bill's other guests are:

* Ralph Nader, 3rd party spoiler

* Sandy Rios, President of Concerned Women for America. (via Satellite)

226 have watched this episode

s02e08 / March 5, 2004

6th Mar '04 - 4:00am
March 5, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)

Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

Bill's panel guests tonight:

* Martin Short, comedian/actor

* Tavis Smiley, PBS talk show host

* Steve Moore, anti-tax advocate

Bill's guests via satellite are:

* Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)

* Bob Costas, NBC sportscaster

226 have watched this episode

s02e09 / March 12, 2004

13th Mar '04 - 4:00am
March 12, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
This week's Real Time with Bill Maher began with a political ad campaign from Bush/Cheney '04. "Jesus calls him every night around 8:30 - just before he goes to bed. This November, vote for George W. Bush."
Bill first chewed "the fat about fat" with Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson. "Chunky is good, but slim is better," Thompson quipped. Bill suggested that we reduce high-fructose corn syrup from our foods. "It's in just about everything. The per capita consumption -- over 62 pounds a year. Mister Secretary, I think that's too much syrup."
Bill wrapped up on question of whether America's ban on cheaper drugs from Canada was a way to protect the pharmaceutical industry. Thompson replied the standard of safety set by the U.S. was just too high for anyone to meet.
Bill, then, posed this question to the evening's roundtable: "If George Bush had been honest about this war, would you have supported it?" Author/linguist John McWhorter said yes, because the administration wanted to "show that an Arab country can be run on a democratic plan." He added, "I would have gone with it, but I doubt if a lot of other people would have." Canada's first female prime minister, Kim Campbell stated, "I'm actually amazed that you think you know why he did it, because, I mean, to me, it's still a mystery."
As the conversation moved to religion, comedian George Carlin stated: "It is my opinion that at the base of most of the evil in the world is religion of any kind." Campbell noted, "I don't think in Canada you could be prime minister if you were ever quoted as saying that you thought God wanted you to run, and you thought the jury was still out on evolution."
Next, Bill talked about indecency with ousted NPR commentator Sandra Tsing Loh. Loh was fired when the 'F-word' didn't get bleeped for a report she did. Bill, incensed her boss at KCRW told her she needed help, exclaimed, "How dumb is this fucking country?" Campbell added, "if you never encounter anything in your community that offends you, you're not living in a free society."
The Madrid terrorist attack had Bill asking, "Do you think every country would make a memorial the way we're making a memorial?" McWhorter responded, "Frankly, yeah. It's natural." Carlin rejoined, "It's obscene! There is an unhealthy fascination with passing and remembering the dead." Concluding, "if you have grief, fine, good inside. Same with religion: keep it inside. Keep it to yourself. If you want to share it a little bit with friends and family, fine. But don't be coming and taking over things that are kind of public, and thrusting your 'GRIEF' on me."
With that off Carlin's chest, Bill launched into his "New Rules."

226 have watched this episode

s02e10 / March 19, 2004

20th Mar '04 - 4:00am
March 19, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)

Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.

This week's Real Time with Bill Maher opened with a "Bush-Cheney '04" campaign ad featuring world leaders singing the praises of George Bush. From Aleksander Kwasniewski of Poland: "Weapons-shmeapons, he's good people." And from former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide: "I couldn't have been overthrown by a nicer guy."

Bill kicked off the evening's discussions with former governor of Vermont Howard Dean. The former candidate for the Democratic Party's presidential nominee focused on what's become of the democratic process. "We have a Supreme Court that's results-oriented, not law-oriented. We have the guy who makes voting machines saying he's going to do everything he can to get George Bush elected. I think our democracy is in a lot of trouble, and it's because this president believes the means is justified by the ends. And I think you cannot go down that road."

Asked what Dean planned for his supporter's list, he said, "We've got a great grassroots organization... And what we built was a community in this country who really wanted some politicians who would tell the truth." As to whether he might run for president again, he said his primary interest was "sending George Bush back to Crawford, Texas, permanently, because we can't afford another four years."

Bill then moved on to the one-year anniversary of the war in Iraq and his Round Table guests stating that the Iraqi people all say the same thing: "Thank you. Don't go. Oh, and one other thing...FUCK YOU!" "So," he asked, "how do we, as Americans, make sense of that?" Author, and former speechwriter for President Bush, David Frum responded "People are complicated... Gratitude is a hard thing for human beings to bear."

Then Bill asked if despite how bad the United States might be, if there was anyone better to be in charge of the world? Emmy Award-winning and Tony-nominated cross-Atlantic comedian, Eddie Izzard countered, "We never voted on that in Europe. We get no vote -we in R.O.W - which is Rest of the World." Adding "And if you want to be policeman for the world, that's great, but take them all out. Not just one that your dad had unfinished business with."

On the administration's response to the Madrid bombings Bill's guest "living legend and literary lion" Gore Vidal quipped, "I enjoyed the Bush Administration attacking for cowardice the Spanish people for turning out a government that 90% of them opposed the government's joining us in the conquest of Iraq. And proving that Spain has something that we do not have: a democracy -- they voted it out."

Moving to the renewal of the Patriot Act of which Frum lauded as "American democracy at its best." He also positioned lawmakers as "saying this is an emotional moment and we could make mistakes, so if we - we are going to make sure that we are not stuck with this, and if no one does anything, it just expires."

Bill then welcomed Russell Simmons hip-hop pioneer of HBO's "Def Comedy Jam," and chairman of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network. To Bill's question on whether Simmons efforts dedicated toward registering young voters might be: "pushing a lot of people into the voting booth who are not informed?" Simmons responded, "Some are educated. Some are not as educated about the process or about the candidates. But the first step, of course, is to register, get a card and feel like you're part of the team." And on his group's effort to repeal the state of New York's Rockefeller drug laws "After 30 years of unjust and unfair laws... there'll be a dramatic change in those laws. It's going to happen now."

Bill offered a Hollywood solution to encouraging people to participate in the elections - goody bags for voters coming to the polls. The "red state" swag will include: pork rinds, Bullets, an audio version of the Holy Bible, read by Mel Gibson's dad, and "my favorite: an actual vial of Sean Hannity's bile."

For the "blue state" voter: The Joy of Gay Sex. A dildo. Clean needles and heroin. A certificate for Botox, and one for a "visit for one abortion at a Planned Parenthood." Bill than brought to his Round Table guests the problematic use of electronic voting machines. "It looks like it would be easy to fix an election that way, but they wouldn't dare. No, they would dare, wouldn't they?" "They are daring as we speak," concurred Vidal. Bill brought up Walden O'Dell, president of the voting machines company Diebold and a fundraiser for Bush: "if you're the guy who makes the voting machines, you stay out of partisan politics" Frum threw out, "if the machines don't work, get rid of them. If they do work, fix them." Izzard asked "Well, the difficulty is how do you prove it?" "Well, you need a way of tracing whether the vote was ever recorded," said Vidal. He concluded with the opinion: "What we have done is privatize our electoral system. Our democracy is privatized."

Bill then passed on his last "New Rules" before his hiatus ends in July.

226 have watched this episode

s02e11 / July 30, 2004

31st Jul '04 - 3:00am
July 30, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: filmmaker Michael Moore, Ralph Nader, Gov. Bill Owens, Rep. David Dreir, and former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell. Plus, Andre 3000 from Outkast.

226 have watched this episode

s02e12 / August 6, 2004

7th Aug '04 - 3:00am
August 6, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: Comedian Steve Harvey, Rep. Kay Granger, former Rep. Bob Barr, and reporter Cokie Roberts.

226 have watched this episode

s02e13 / August 13, 2004

14th Aug '04 - 3:00am
August 13, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: comedian D.L. Hughley, former Sen. Gary Hart, writer Michelle Malkin, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, and columnist Maureen Dowd.

226 have watched this episode

s02e14 / August 27, 2004

28th Aug '04 - 3:00am
August 27, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: author and Vietnam veteran John E. O'Neil, talk show host Chris Matthews, reporter Ashleigh Banfield, Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, and author Michael Eric Dyson.

226 have watched this episode

s02e15 / September 3, 2004

4th Sep '04 - 3:00am
September 3, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: Howard Dean, Jason Alexander, Andrew Sullivan, Arianna Huffington, and Pat Buchanan.

226 have watched this episode

s02e16 / September 17, 2004

18th Sep '04 - 3:00am
September 17, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: Kitty Kelley, Julie Delpy, Cornel West, Christiane Amanpour and P.J. O'Rourke

226 have watched this episode

s02e17 / September 24, 2004

25th Sep '04 - 3:00am
September 24, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: Rep. Charles Rangel, comic strip artist Aaron McGruder, columnist Maureen Dowd, screenwriter Larry Gelbart, and actress Drew Barrymore

226 have watched this episode

s02e18 / October 1, 2004

2nd Oct '04 - 3:00am
October 1, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: The Dixie Chicks, talk show host Tucker Carlson, comedian George Carlin, correspondent Katty Kay, and author Steve Moore.

226 have watched this episode

s02e19 / October 8, 2004

9th Oct '04 - 3:00am
October 8, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: filmmaker Michael Moore, columnist Frank Rich, comedian David Cross, Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, and commentator Tony Snow.

226 have watched this episode

s02e20 / October 15, 2004

16th Oct '04 - 3:00am
October 15, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: Dr. Howard Dean, singer Alanis Morissette, former Rep. Jim Rogan, Reverend Jesse Jackson, and radio show host Garrison Keillor.

226 have watched this episode

s02e21 / October 22, 2004

23rd Oct '04 - 3:00am
October 22, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: Environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr., former CIA director James Woolsey, former Asst. Sec. of State James Rubin, actor Bradley Whitford, and White House advisor Dr. Bernadine Healy.

226 have watched this episode

s02e22 / October 29, 2004

30th Oct '04 - 3:00am
October 29, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: columnist Thomas Friedman, comedian Richard Belzer, General Wesley Clark, actor Kevin Costner, and commentator Ann Coulter.

226 have watched this episode

s02e23 / November 5, 2004

6th Nov '04 - 4:00am
November 5, 2004 Summary

Rated: TV-MA for Adult Content (AC) and Adult Language (AL)
Tonight's episode is Live from L.A.
Guests: former U.S. Senator Alan Simpson, actress Susan Sarandon, linguist and political analyst Noam Chomsky, comedian D.L. Hughley, columnist Andrew Sullivan, and former U.S. Representative Pat Schroeder.

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