Reginald goes big or goes home, Maurice is the new Deacon, Nikki is ahuger Diller.
Maurice's first council meeting, Claire's dubious father, and a vengeful exterminating Archangel.
Sarah's new bestie is an Angel in disguise, Reginald game plans the coming vampire apocalypse.
The worst possible thing happens and Claire's life will never ever be the same again.
Is reaching out to a deranged vampire witch really the best way tohug an angel.
Reginald, Sarah, Maurice travel to Spokane and an End of the World Vampire party hosted by Abraham.
Sarah's bestie and also Angel turns out to be a little more cuddleous than anyone figured.
As the vampire apocalypse approaches, our favorite vamps are magically trapped in the Slushy Shack.
So this is definitely the end of every vampire on the planet unless Reginald saves the day.
Reginald will do anything for love and the unexpected consequences are going to blow your mind.